View Full Version : Hi - suffering from anxiety/phobia

02-11-18, 18:42

I am 32 and live on the outskirts of Bedfordshire, UK.

I have medical problems, and have so for years, but I also suffer from anxiety.

Regarding my medical problems, I probably won't be talking about them much as I really want to focus on one of my main issues, which is the anxiety.

I've had this for years, sometimes it's a common thing like doctors, dentists or any medical process like blood tests, x-rays etc. But 2 things that really make me be at my most anxious are loud bangs e.g. fireworks, guns and balloons (metallic are OK).

I can quite easily watch TV programmes with them on (as I know I can control the volume on the TV) and go to a loud music concert (providing there's no fireworks or balloons). But it's the loud bang associated with fireworks/balloons that really makes me anxious, so this weekend I'm definitely not looking forward too! I'd rather go and hide in a cupboard than go out to a firework display (even a so-called "quiet" one).

I try and explain how the sound affects me, and in the 'nutshell' answer, think of me as a cat or a dog. Normal, everyday sounds are fine, no problem. But put me anywhere near there are balloons or fireworks and I'm either wanting to run 10 miles in the opposite direction or trying to hide somewhere.

I've tried everything from facing it head on, right down to counselling, but so far not much has helped.

Going to go and look around here now.

Mweekie xx

02-11-18, 18:54
Hiya Mweekie and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-11-18, 15:23
Hi Venusbluejeans (nice user name)

Many thanks for your advice. I have been looking around the forum and on the website. It's been really helpful.

Mweekie xx