View Full Version : Complex Kidney Cyst

02-11-18, 22:05

At my latest ultrasound today whilst checking my gallbladder, the scan showed up what the doctor called a”complex kidney cyst” and said it looked harmless to him and not to worry about it. Has anyone else had one of these? I don’t like the thought of having any kind of cyst to be honest.

03-11-18, 22:11
got my discharge letter from the hospital today - there are in fact two cysts on my right kidney, the first one has been there since at least 2016 and was referred to as a 'simple cyst', but the second one has been flagged as a 'complex cyst bozniak 2'. The consultant said levels 1 and 2 should not be worrisome, but that I could have them removed if I was concerned. Not sure whether to leave them or not I'd rather be safe than sorry.

03-11-18, 22:59

At my latest ultrasound today whilst checking my gallbladder, the scan showed up what the doctor called a”complex kidney cyst” and said it looked harmless to him and not to worry about it. Has anyone else had one of these? I don’t like the thought of having any kind of cyst to be honest.

exactly the same l had my scan for gallbladder they found a cyst on my kidney they weren't worried so im not xx

04-11-18, 14:25
I also had gallbladder scan 2010 and revealed complex liver cyst. Mri and diagnosed asbenign. Rescanned 6 months later and no change. Was 1.5cm then.

Fast forward to last year had a repeat gallstones scan and liver cyst has grown to 6cm. Had mri to compare it to the one in 2010. Advised thought was benign but were sending for second opinion to liver transplant unit for further specialist opinions to be sure. Result was benign. No follow up.

I have no issues and have just learned to live with it. It’s been there so long now that I know it’s unlikely to be anything of concern.