View Full Version : mornings are horrible

25-08-07, 08:10
hi everyone

does anyone else feel terrible in the mornings i am soooo panicky when i get up its awful and i am sooo fed up of this i pace around to try and calm myself down . i'm sat here crying i cant take much more of this . i went to drs yesterday and was put back on seroxat it has worked in the past so i am hoping it will help me now.

sorry for moaning on but i am at the end of my tether with it all


25-08-07, 08:39
Hiya Sammie
Sorry you are feeling so down. I'm like that an awful lot of the time too. I really hate waking up, i think it's because there is so long to go until we fall asleep again and 'get away' from this panicky feeling. I'm sure if you give the Seroxat time, it will work just as well as previously. I don't know what else to say to you Sammie, just understand that you are not alone.

Bri x :hugs:

25-08-07, 08:58
Me too Sammies, mornings are the worst. Its when my horrible thoughts and health anxiety is at its worse level, i just feel panicky.
Hope your meds kick in soon, keep busy in the meantime (i know easier said)

anx x

25-08-07, 08:58
hi bri

thanks for your reply i am starting to now feel somewhat calmer it has taken me an hour though but it didnt progress to a full blown panic which is good . have tried to occupy myself and distraction seems to help.

thanks again much appreciated


25-08-07, 09:01
hi anxious

i do wonder why mornings are the worst time but having had a restless night i can see why i sometimes feel this way in the mornings .hope you feel better soon too xxx


25-08-07, 10:00
My mornings were terrible, for a couple of years every single morning I would wake up exactly as you described.

I used to wish for the late afternoon everyday as I always felt fine when it got later/darker.

All I can say to give you hope Sammi is I very rarely get those feelings now so it can be overcome when you find what's right for you, help wise.

I hope you are feeling better.



25-08-07, 10:10
hi sammy couldnt agree more, i hate morning ive just woke up and come down now and feel awful.The only thing that i have found is when i start to do something and get on with things this does help,takes my mind off on to something else.take care tracy

25-08-07, 11:43
Hi Sammie

A GP friend of mine told me that mornings are always the worst time for most people who suffer - there seems to be no hard and fast reason why this is so.

Like Jaco I always felt much better in the evenings, and would think "great! it's gone! I'm ok now!" only to wake up next day exactly the same.

However, distraction is the key to overcoming this - I remember just doing simple tasks like folding clothes and pairing socks was a phenomenal task for me, because I had to re-learn practically everything I did, but I persevered and gradually my mind trained itself to concentrate on what I was doing and not on how I was feeling.

Hope this helps just a little bit and that you feel a lot better soon

big hugs


25-08-07, 11:52
I've always felt worse in the mornings and have done ever since I got this anxiety disorder. I think you will find a great deal of people with anxiety feel the same way as you.

I'm not totally sure why so many of us feel worse in the morning but I guess it could be because we know we have the whole day stretching ahead of us and we start to worry about what the day will bring and woosh we feel anxious and panicky. I usually find once I've started getting busy and doing some housework that by the time I have finished doing that I feel much better.

Like many others I also feel much better in the evening. In fact most of the things I am unable to do in the mornings I can do quite easily in the evenings.

25-08-07, 12:32
hi everyone

yes its strange how we feel better in the evenings . i have just started back on seroxat and i am waiting for the initial side effects to kick in maybe thats why i am getting so worked up i also worry that the tabs wont help which in the past they have so why i have got this thought now is beyond mei am i would say the worst i have ever been at the moment and its difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel at the moment.

i really do appreciate more than you will ever know the support each one of you has shown me


ps groovy grannie distraction does help :)

26-08-07, 01:37
hi sammie
mornings have been the worst for me also. it has gotten better since my anxiety started two years ago.but just to let you know it does get better. i used to wake up panicky and so scared didnt think i would ever get over it. i mean i still do get some panicy mornings but most mornings now i wake up with out the panic. so hang in there things will get better

26-08-07, 11:07
Hi Sammy sorry you feel so bad, but remember it has gone in the past and it will go again. I think mornings are the worst for most people, I am horrible shaky and scared stiff in the mornings and have found the best thing is dont lie there just get up no matter what you feel like and when you get up do something right away keep bussy do anything cleaning garfen anything you used to enjoy, It doesnt work right away but in time it will. Another great help I have found is affirmations, Wrie down on some bitts of paper (like) I feel good and I am going to have a good day. I am healthy and well and feel great etc. Leave these around everywhere and even carry some with you and just repeat over and over and in time you brain will beleive it. After suffering for over 40 years on and off this seems to be the only thing that has realy helped. hope this helps you a bit. TC Vernon

26-08-07, 12:12
Hi Sammie Morning Use To Be The Worse For Me.......not So Much Anymore Tg.......mine Come Just When They Want Now But Alot Better As Long As Im Busy Like At Work Or Im Out Doing Things ..i Wish Ya The Best.......linda

27-08-07, 11:22
I feel like this too , I believe its because in the mornings we produce much more cortisol than we do the rest of the day :shrug: , I read this on the Relora website.

28-08-07, 10:13
Yes i agree, mornings are always the worst time for me. Ive no idea why but its always been the same. I hate getting ready for work etc, i just want to give in and get back in bed and just lie there. But usually once its 12ish i feel fine..
Im wondering if it can be linked to the tiredness thing, people always say panic is worse when youre tired, and cos im not a morning person i do feel tired untill about 12 lol

Or like Lyn just said it could be the anxiety or knowing you've got the whole day ahead of you and it seems like a challenge sometimes so you worry more.

Beauty x

31-08-07, 12:57
The problem with distractions is not any distraction will work. There is however one distraction that is a guaranteed to work and it is sleep. Sleep can be considered a distriction. Maybe the reason the mornings are so bad is because you often have moments of near panic throughout the day where you barely hang on. Sleep seems to be your only escape from it so wakeing up in the morning first gives you a feeling that you are out of your safe haven. Kind of like an agoraphobic person leaving their home. Second is the realization that it's going to be awhile before you can go to sleep again. Being able to deal with the other events during the day which may cause panic more eficiently should make your mornings better. Simply, don't fear the day.