View Full Version : Help, HA is spiraling out of control.

03-11-18, 04:34
Hello I haven’t been on here for awhile but lately my health anxiety is literally out of control. I did a barium swallow awhile back, the doctor there said he didn’t see any sign of reflux but when I went back to my gp she refer me to an ENT. My appointment is on the 14 of this month but I’m absolutely terrified of going and not going. I’m scared to be told that I might have this life long condition at 21 and I have to be on medication for the rest of my life.
I tried to put my mind off of it but I’m constantly reminded of it because the weird sensation in my throat occurs after I eat dinner, my voice would go a little raspy. It has gone to the point, I’m scared to eat dinner.
I can’t really share this with my family that it has gotten to this point because they will think I’m crazy. Combining this and the stress of college, it makes me just want to curl up and cry at night.
I just don’t know what to do anymore, desperately need some support.
Please and thanks,

04-11-18, 10:04
Try not to worry, I’m sure the gp is referring you only as a precaution and only to put your mind at rest. It’s possible that your symptoms are completely normal for you and just something that happens or it could be that you have a totally benign medical cause that will explain the raspy voice. I completely sympathise with you and I know how absolutely awful health anxiety is but just know that we are all here for you :) you will get through this and you will be a stronger and happier person because of it! Hang in there

04-11-18, 22:47
Try not to worry, I’m sure the gp is referring you only as a precaution and only to put your mind at rest. It’s possible that your symptoms are completely normal for you and just something that happens or it could be that you have a totally benign medical cause that will explain the raspy voice. I completely sympathise with you and I know how absolutely awful health anxiety is but just know that we are all here for you :) you will get through this and you will be a stronger and happier person because of it! Hang in there
Thank you so much for the encouragement and kind message it means so much to me!