View Full Version : My life has turned into a revolving door of GAD.

03-11-18, 16:10
Over the past 7 months I have lived in utter agony worrying about my health. My doctor tried to put me on Lexapro, and in the beginning it seemed to help but the side effects became too much for me to bare.

No I am just constantly worrying about illness after illness. At first it was my stomach, than my esophagus, then my lymphnodes, now it's lung cancer. Every ache and pain I get I seem to exacerbate by honing in on it and subconsciously tensing the area until it really becomes a problem.

I've been having chest and back pain for the past month or so along with shoulder pain. Sometimes it hurts when I breathe out I find if I just move in weird ways it hurts. Like I am pretty sure it's just musculoskeletal but my mind is always what if it's this or that etc. And it's just a black hole I spiral down until I become absolutely convinced I am going to die. Please. Anyone that has been here, give me some advice.


04-11-18, 09:51
So sorry you’re struggling with HA, it’s the worst! Just wanted to let you know that all the pains you are describing are very common with anxiety. I’m sure that they’re either psychosomatic or they are down to the stress/tension in your back/chest/neck from being so anxious. Try not to worry but if it will put your mind at rest visit the doctors and get them to reassure you that you’re fine :)

05-11-18, 17:12
Thank you nameuser. I am pretty experienced with this anxiety thing now since I have been dealing with it for so long but to be waking up in the morning already extremely tense and in pain is so new for me. I've gotten clear x rays yet I still worry about cancer constantly. I have tried some medication with no such luck, too many side effects etc. It's really all destroying my quality of life. I am not sure how to escape this hell I am in.

Thanks to anyone who replies.

05-11-18, 22:53
It is extremely possible to develop new symptoms even if you’ve been dealing with anxiety for ages, so many people in the forum have described having new symptoms after having anxiety for years and years. I’ve had anxiety since childhood and I’m now 20 and still get new random symptoms from anxiety. The tests came back clear so believe them! I read on another users post that any sort of disease of the lungs has to be very advanced to start causing symptoms meaning it would be extrodinarily unlikely that the x-ray would miss it. maybe you should try meditation and yoga? Both of those help me. CBT therapy is also something you should look in to :) I completely understand what you’re going through but please know you aren’t alone and you will get through this