View Full Version : Hello

25-08-07, 17:37
Hi I was retired last year (aged 48) due to stress, having had a breakdown in december 05. I have severe clinical depression and generalised anxiety disorder. I am seeing a psychiatrist every couple of months, and am due to start group therapy in september. I am currently taking citalopram 60 mg. I am also type2 diabetic which is controlled by diet and exercise. I am on exercise on prescription and take an exercise class every weekday.

25-08-07, 18:30
Dear Clive

Welcome to this lovely group. I too suffer with anxiety and at present take citalapram 60mg and quetapine 50mg per day. I was prescribed the quetapine last december as the citalapram alone wasnt enough to take away my anxiety and ocd. Im pleased to hear that youre getting some exercise, do you find it helps.

Love Lilibet x

25-08-07, 18:36

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

25-08-07, 18:37
I am finding the exercise helps, I have met quite a few people there. One other thing I have no sense of hunger or thirst, well very little feelings at all really, has any one else these symptoms, my psychatrist said it is psychological. :shrug:

25-08-07, 19:32
Hi Clive and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

25-08-07, 20:18
Hi Clive,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

25-08-07, 21:05
Dear Clive

I have to say that i havent ever felt those particular symptoms. Good to hear your exercising and meeting people though.

Love Lilibet x x x

25-08-07, 23:24
Hi Clival
Welcome Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Info Here............wish Ya The Best.......linda

26-08-07, 00:25

Luv Kaz x x x

26-08-07, 11:38
:) Hi Clive :)

Glad you found the site - Its like an online group at times so there's a lot of support & people who will alleviate your fears about certain symptoms. Personally, I have found I have increased thirst, so I'm quite the opposite but I'm betting someone on here has lost their appetite/thirst & will discuss it with you. Good luck with your group.
Take care, CarpeDiem

26-08-07, 14:25
Hello Clive:welcome:to you!

I had no appetite for the first few weeks I was on Citalopram, but I also had increased thirst - especially for Lucozade. I don't know if this was pcychological or not. Maybe psychologically I was craving the glucose in the Lucozade to compensate for having no appetite - I really don't know.

However, I'm sure it won't be long before you hear from somone who has similar expereience to you!

Pleased to meet you!


26-08-07, 16:58
Hi Clive,

Welcome to the forum. Good for you exercising, that is one thing I need to put on my To Do List! I do lose my appetite from time to time but never my thirst but I think that is because I'm used to drinking so much water so my body craves it. You will find someone here who can relate though and will get alot of support from this site.



26-08-07, 17:04
I should add that my sense of thirst and hunger went about 20 months ago

01-09-07, 19:22
Hi Clive

A warm :welcome: aboard to you and hope we can be of some help.

02-09-07, 10:39
Hello Clive :welcome:

Pink Princess
03-09-07, 13:23

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxx