View Full Version : Aura migraine

05-11-18, 03:17
Anyone else out there have one before? I have had 2 in my life, once when I was 15 and once as a complication of hypertension during pregnancy, and both were the scariest times of my life. However with both the headache didn't happen until AFTER I saw the lights/colors.... But right now I am having a headache that feels exactly like those and I am always scared i am having an aura migraine when I have headaches at all because I basically NEVER get headaches. Plus my aunt had an aura migraine as part of a stroke a year before my pregnancy aura migraine that left her blind in one eye and that added greatly to my fear when I had my last one. I feel like they must have both been bp related and I do have spikes in my bp occasionally for some reason. Just wondering about everyone else's experiences

05-11-18, 05:27
I get the aura occaisionally and it lasts about 20 mins then just goes away on it's own.
Never had the headache though.
Paracetamol works if you can take it as soon as the aura starts.

05-11-18, 14:40
I've had migraines now for 19 years, but I only have ever had 3 aura migraines and they all started with the aura and then exploded into a TERRIBLE migraine; one even sent me to the hospital with the pain.

Because I've had migraines for so long (started when I was 11) and because there were those major headaches in there, I've seen a neurologist several times. Everything has been fine, I just get headaches. I think mine are tension related as I usually get them due to stress or if I sleep in a really bad position.

I do agree, the aura can be scary. Do you have any medication that you take to help with the headaches? I took Midrin and it was awesome but at $150/bottle it wasn't really affordable so I've had to settle for Excedrin Migraine which is almost just as good.

06-11-18, 13:57
Hey there,

I have a lot of experience with aura and the headaches. I know the risks too. I’ve had them for 30 years I’m now 38 today actually is my birthday! Lol! Anyways, yes they seem scary, yes stokes and such can be connected. Like your aunt had. But you got to remember you are not your aunt, and everyone is different. Do not live in fear. Fear takes over I know. If your scared go to your doctor. I get the auras daily, for 30 years.Im ok, do I know it can lead to other things yes. Can I stop it no. Am I going to let it ruin my life no. If I can’t control it or stop it there is no point. I’m on meds for my anixiety and it’s helped me in all of this. Health Anixety,depression and anxiety. There is help out there you just need to ask. Don’t give up! I hope this has help you. I’m sorry you are going through this. Hugs Stephanie