View Full Version : Dealing with it but driving me nuts...

05-11-18, 04:59
Ive had GAD and other mental health issues for a long time. Recently I stopped taking the meds I was on because I was becoming extremely suicidal.
That was about 3 months ago. My mental health was actually on the up until recently when I had what I thought was a lympnoid in my neck swell up and become extremely painful. My doctor said oh its infected take this. And over the period of 2 months gave me antibiotics 3 times.
Went to the ER on Friday because it's driving my mental health up the wall because I'm assuming it's cancer.
Because I have other symptoms. But let's be fair it could be stress symptoms.
Doctor at the er has come to the conclusion that my lymphnodes are not swollen but I have stones in my saliva glands. That I will have to have them removed.
Hearing this is reliving because it's not what I thought it was but I can't get the thought out of my brain.
I think I want to go back on my pills because my HA hasn't been this bad since before the pills which was like 4/5 years ago. But I'm scared the suicidal thoughts will come back.

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