View Full Version : Pain/numbness in buttock and pregnant

05-11-18, 15:02
Hi, hope somebody can help me, I'm not in a good way.
I'm pregnant, due any day now, and for the last couple of months I've had this nerve problem in my left buttock which means I can't sit for long periods without pain, and it really affects my life e.g. when I was still in work I was in agony at the end of each day. I had a referral sent off for antenatal physiotherapy but I never heard back so presumably they don't consider my problems bad enough to bother with, too late to bother chasing now. What I've noticed recently is that the skin on my left buttock is actually NUMBED now, so if I scratch the area the sensation is dulled. And that's constant whether I've been sitting or not. The reason this worries me is that, while I'm reasonably satisfied that whatever this is has been caused by pregnancy, I fear that it's gone on too long and caused irreversable nerve damage, and I'll be like this forever. I suppose it's impossible to find out until I give birth, but I'm completely fixated on the idea that I now have this problem for life, and will always be in terrible discomfort when sitting or relaxing. I could easily imagine pain going away in time, but I find it a lot harder to imagine the sensation in my buttock just regenerating on its own, it's too constant. I also feel let down that I never got to see a physio, and trapped by the fact that there's no point seeing my doctor about it because I could only get an appointment a couple weeks from now and by that point I will have given birth. I'm on maternity leave, waiting for my baby to come, and I'm just sat here testing whether my bum is still numb and getting worried every time I feel a nerve zap, and imagining a future where it's gonna be this uncomfortable for the rest of my life. Does anybody have any advice/kind words for me? Thanks :weep:

05-11-18, 15:10
Congrats on the coming baby! IMO, being so far along, that's what is causing the issue as you said. My ex had similar things while pregnant and they resolved.

Positive thoughts

05-11-18, 17:02
Well, I am very surprised that you didn't hear back from them! Scroilliac and pelvic joint pain are something that is usually taken quite seriously in pregnancy when it becomes severe as it really affects quality of life. You will know why it happens; ligaments stretching, muscles relaxing thanks to hormone changes and stretched/weakened pelvic muscles, but none of that is any comfort when you are struggling with it. At the very least they could have given you some sort of 'girdle' (which they can for pregnant women) to try ? I was treated for it with physio about 20 years ago, and it resolved, BUT I just had the excrutiating pain, inability to sit or do anything much other than lie on the floor with my legs bent up, leg agony, tingling leg and stuff, I didn't have the numbness you refer to. I know its a possible symptom, a fairly common one, but I can understand you being very concerned and your fear of nerves being damaged permanently.

Do you have a midwife you can ring? They should be accessible to you, one of them, at any time you are concerned during this process. You might be able to therefore 'get in' with the doctor very quickly this way? Long-term pain like this is draining, at a time you need your strength and to be feeling well emotionally, and I do think you should see someone - if only to have your mind put at rest that it will resolve after pregnancy.

05-11-18, 19:36
Thanks both of you, I might see if I can speak to a midwife over the phone tomorrow, maybe just to find out what the system of support is after I've given birth and to ask where my referral went? I've been googling and become very upset because I can find lots of people with similar issues but not identical issues i.e. constant numbness and that's what makes me think I have an exceptionally bad case or something :unsure:

05-11-18, 20:44
It does sound like yours is very bad, I agree. I really think you should ring, as in two weeks time you won't have time to be messing about with finding out about referrals and things - you are going to be FAR too busy!:) You really need to know now that someone is going to see you right away after you have had your baby, and you really could do without this worry now.