View Full Version : Anyone else currently signed off work?

06-11-18, 12:02
Hi, I had 7 weeks off work at the start of the year with anxiety, then made it back for 6 months but and am off again now after a number of triggers collided at once. Work are incredibly good about it, so at least that's not a worry. But although I know that mental health reasons account for a huge amount of sick days and there must be loads of people out there in the same boat, I feel so alone and of course the anxiety is hideous. Is there anyone here in the same position right now, or anyone else who could offer a few words of encouragement please? Thanks x

06-11-18, 12:22
I'm signed off work too due to anxiety / depression.
I had a month off earlier this year, went back for a few months because I thought it would be a good distraction but then hit a wall last week and realised I wasn't ok. Oddly I don't feel guilty at all this time around, I know I'm more important than my job and they will find a way to cope without me. The only thing I struggle with is I now have no routine or any reason to leave my house so I'm just trying to keep busy. I don't think I'll be back for at least another few weeks x