View Full Version : Hello to all

26-08-07, 00:44
hi everyone im 28 and have anxiety for a few years now and panix attacks a few times when it has gottten too much for my brain to handle. i have been taking citalopram 20mg for about 8-9 months now just a few weeks ago got them increased to 40mg as they seem not to be working too well.

i hope to give and get some help form all thx

p.s sorry im a terible speller apoligies in advance :blush:

26-08-07, 00:53
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the site - hope you find it helpful :)


Lorelai x

26-08-07, 01:05
Hi Mark,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

26-08-07, 09:17
hi mark,

welcome and if you ever want a chat pm me ok welcome again m8


26-08-07, 10:06
Welcome Mark,
Your in good company my friend...... we cant spell either!!
Hope you get as much support and comfort from this site as I have in the short time Ive been a member.
Re the meds, all I can say is dont be afraid to change (with guidence and permission of doc of course!) I couldnt get on with citalopram so changed to Sertraline...... no difference despite dose increase. All I ever got from them both was terrible anxiety side effects! Something i could well do without!
Im now changed to Floxetine (good old prozac) and have never felt better!

Keep plugging away mate, we'll all get there eventually!


26-08-07, 11:33
:) Hi Mark :)

Welcome to the site - Plenty of people here can relate (Not just about the poor spelling!) & there's a section for discussing medication which you might find helpful (Personally, I haven't found any that have helped; just made it worse; but a lot of people on here swear by them) Maybe not just focus on getting the medication right though; focus on getting to the root cause of the anxiety - Are you seeing a therapist/working through a CBT course? Also sections on here that can help with that. Good luck with it all,
Take care, CarpeDiem

26-08-07, 11:34
Hi Mark and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

26-08-07, 12:48

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

26-08-07, 14:28
Hello Mark :welcome:to you!

Spelling's the least of our problems here so don't worry lol !!

Hopefully the increased dose of Citalopram will make a difference for you - I started almost immediately on 60mg, and never looked back!

I'm sure you will receive and give plenty of help and support here - pleased to meet you!


26-08-07, 16:59
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the forum. You will find may here who feel exactly like you do and will get tons of support.



28-08-07, 21:25
Welcome aboard this magnificant site Mark. As you'll have noticed already, this place is coated with kind, helpful and friendly people who are very helpful and give useful advice to people like you who are also in the same position.

Wish you well with your join to this site, and have fun posting.

28-08-07, 22:03
Hi Mark
Welcome..im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Information Here.wish Ya The Best......linda

28-08-07, 22:11
hi mark and welcome

01-09-07, 19:20
Hi Mark

A warm :welcome: aboard to you and hope we can be of some help.

Pink Princess
03-09-07, 13:18

love minnie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-09-07, 10:27
hi im new on here i have anxiety i have feelings of unreality and walking on air 4 4 months i am on citilopram hope i can get some support elaine

05-09-07, 16:28
Hello and :welcome: Mark