View Full Version : Burning in middle of chest and pain discomfort

06-11-18, 17:19
I have had heartburn before but it is usually resolved with an antacid. However I had it in the night for ages tried usual peppermint tea, rennie it went on for ages and then resolved. I got it back again today it keeps coming back and finding it hard to get rid of. Rang doctor she said it sounded like acid reflux I was worried it might be my heart 😔 but she didn’t seem concerned. Anyone else suffer with this through anxiety please? I was doing so well before this.. thank so much in advance..

06-11-18, 17:26
I get this all the time. Could be trapped gas, or your acid reflux.

06-11-18, 17:27
I've had this from my hiatus hernia - it is acid reflux. The problem is a hiatus hernia can mimic other things my doctor said, so you can get really bad chest pains thinking its a heart attack when it isn't! I've been caught out a couple of times that way when I've had a flare up, but they've always said better to be safe than sorry when I've gone to the surgery to be checked.

06-11-18, 17:31
Thank so much for taking the time to respond.. I just wish it would go! I’ve taken Gaviscon and lots of water. I’m so worried.. why all of a sudden am I getting this and can’t get rid 😔

07-11-18, 01:34
Peppermint tea can make acid reflux worse!

There are lots of tips around for food to avoid and food to eat for acid reflux. Don't eat before lying down. At night you can try propping yourself up or lying on your left side.

You can buy better medication over the counter. You could try ranitidine (Zantac) or esomeprazole/omeprazole which is best taken 30 mins or so before a meal.

Oh, and acid reflux tends to get worse with anxiety....

It is VERY common, but nevertheless unpleasant.

07-11-18, 09:02
I go through bouts of having severe acid reflux and I'm afraid chocolate exasperates it for me. :( Also processed meats and anything fried. You get to know what you can and can't eat, the hard way! It can really burn at it's worse and when like this, try to keep upright as much as you can and not eat late.

07-11-18, 11:31
chocolate and red meat kills me with this every time so I keep that to a minimum (a killer as I love chocolate!). I think I've spent more time in the surgery worrying about reflux than anything else over the last 4 or 5 years due to the symptoms it can cause

07-11-18, 20:34
Me too Matt, but a small amount of chocolate like you said is OK, but I always want more. :D
Also fruits like apples, oranges, lemons and mango a big no no. Strawberries seem to be alright for me.

10-11-18, 10:47
Sorry, I obviously meant Mark. :D

10-11-18, 12:23
This is exactly what happened to me. I had so many tests and whatnot, finally one doctor did an ultrasound and it turned out it was gallstones.