View Full Version : Anxious Watching Tv

26-08-07, 08:09
Hi everyone

Just wanted to know if anyone else gets anxious watching TV. I do all the time. I always put myself in other peoples shoes and wonder how they are feeling.

For example, I was watching the eviction on Big Brother the other night and when Davina was talking to the house, I found myself really anxious for them, thinking what must they be feeling right now, is their heart racing, do they feel like they are going to pass out etc. Does anyone else do this?

If Kim Ryder (Michelle behind the bar) is in a scene on Coronation Street, who I know had panic attacks, I wonder how she must be feeling.

When the auditioners on Xfactor say that they are nervous - it makes me nervous too.

Live shows are the worse - Judy from Richard and Judy sometimes looks anxious and shaky - which makes me feel anxious for her.

Am I going mad??? :wacko: Does anyone else feel that they do this???:blush:

26-08-07, 08:20
I guess this is just the way your particular anxiety manifests itself. I get anxious about (to me) the stupidest things also! Because they are 'stupid' or inappropriate we justify that the only possible reason is that WE must be going mad! not so Ann. Your feelings are very real, bewildering and I guess not a little scary! but NOT madness. Take heart. you are not alone many many people on this site do or have experienced those very same inappropriate thoughts. Learning to understand them is the first step towards coping with them!
Many sufferers also say they have gone on to become totally cured and are now anxiety free. personally I think Im well on the way...... all thanks to this site!
So my advice would be, in the short term certainly is to use all the resources available on this site, get some top advice from fellow sufferers and dont be afraid to seek professional help if you need it!
Above all, dont worry! your more normal than you think!!!

Bes of luck Ann.

Andy. x

26-08-07, 10:20
Thanks Andy.

I just feel as if the anxiety is with me all the time. There seems no break from it - even when only watching the TV.

Can I ask, how long have you had anxiety for and what has helped you? I have had it now for 6 and 1/2 years and there seems no end to it. I have got loads and loads of books which I have read and re-read and I fully understand the panic cycle etc - but am finding it so hard to break. I am seeing a councellor and am starting CBT soon. I seem to think inwards all the time (if that makes sense) and once I start I cannot stop. :weep:

Thanks once again.:yesyes:

26-08-07, 11:47
Ive had my anxiety for a similar amount of time, its come and gone but this time seemed the worst and the most intense....... so I decide once and for all I was going to cure it or it was going to kill me! I think I had to get 'worse' before I got better, that is really facing what I thought I feared. In my case it was fear itself! I feared fear. This was because I wrongly believed the saying "you have nothing to fear but fear itself" I took this literally and so began my fearful cycle of self destruction. It was exactly how you describe a constant feeling of being on edge, almost as if something horrible was just about to happen. With a very good therapist (NHS!) I am learning what the true meaning of that statement means. its the concept of fear which imobilises us, BUT once you se that it iS only a belief mechanism you begin to see there is nothing to fear EVEN fear itself!
I hope you find a good therapist who can help you see this. for me its also very well summed up by Cheri Huber in her book....'The Fear Book'.
I also have embraced the Buddhist techniques of mindfulness and meditation, which I must admit do seem to work for me too...... although Im certainly an enthusiatic beginer I see alot of hope in that direction.. I guess all these things just serve to retrain your mind to think a different way and question your thoughts, again something which CBT will help you with.

Keep us posted how you get on and good luck!

Feel free to PM me anytime also.
Andy x

26-08-07, 12:27
Hi Ann.when I First Got This I Got Anxious With Tv If They Showed Anything To With Mental Health.but Now I Pick Up On Peoples Feelings But I Guess I Always Have I Have Empathy Way To Much That I Can Get Into A Panic With It When Especially Someone I Love Is Hurting Or Ect........linda X

26-08-07, 14:18
My first one was around 9 at night so I get it then and I tend to be watching tv at that time so yes I get it when I'm watching tv.

The big brother live eviction always makes me feel ill! I still watch it though. I had my third big panic attack when watching one of the evictions so it always kicks in around then.

I hope I feel ok for the final I doubt it though. :blush: I'll probably feel terrible all the way through it!

27-08-07, 02:25
may i ask this why does big brother give you anxiety? like are they really abusive.here in america we also have big brother is it a show with like 5 females 5 men and they compete too see whos the head of the house hold and go against one another is it like that.....just curious.......linda

27-08-07, 16:24

The news gives me anxiety so I do not watch it at all. I just can't handle it. I also can't read newspapers either. I do try at election time to read up on the candidates to vote but other than that I avoid at all costs.


27-08-07, 18:54
I used to be like this, I'm not as bad now, although the news still can make me anxious especially if its something horrible someone has done on someone else like murder or something.