View Full Version : Please help.Random words in head all day

07-11-18, 09:11
Please help.
I get random words or phrases in my head all day.Like not connected to what I am doing,they are names of people, authors, names of objects, things like this.
Is this pure ocd or is it something worse like psychosis or bipolar.
Sometimes there are one after another like there is a word car,then book,then bracelet, not related and one after another.
Anyone else have this?
Did ssri help?i am on Zoloft just started.

08-11-18, 04:15
Definitely seems like a bit of intrusive thinking. I've heard of people on here getting songs stuck in their heads for weeks. I wouldn't worry about it being anything like another mental illness, if you're on Zoloft definitely bring this up to your doctor as maybe it is a side effect (a rather harmless one but still should be mentioned if it only started once you started medication)