View Full Version : Was doing so good now chest pain and I am trying hard to not spiral! HELP!

07-11-18, 14:33
So peeps I am back! I was doing awesome and could talk myself down from any health scares. I even give myself 2 weeks before I see a doctor. So about 4 weeks ago I started getting a sharp stabbing pain very brief in my left chest. It also would bring a pain on if I breather in deep. If my posture is right I hardly feel a pain at all. I seen my Doctor who said muscle/chest wall pain. Went to the ER twice the University of Michigan and another local hospital. I have a d-dimer test, heart enzyme test, cbc, 2 chest xrays, and 3 ekgs. Was told from both places all normal. Problem still happening a week later. I also get tiny sharp pains that come in go onthe right side. Not all the time but on and off through out the day. I am posting the notes from one doctor below.
MEDICAL DECISION MAKING: This is a very pleasant 37-year-old female with past medical history as above who presents to the ED with chest pain. On initial arrival to the ED, vitals are reassuring. She is afebrile, mildly hypertensive, with heart rate 70, SpO2 98% on room air. On exam, she appears well and nontoxic. She has some reproducible left-sided chest wall tenderness, but does not entirely reproduce her pain. Her lungs are clear. Cardiac exam unremarkable. Abdomen is non tender. No edema.

This likely represents musculoskeletal pain. Anxiety, GERD/gastritis, or pneumothorax also possible. Very low clinical suspicion for pulmonary embolism and she is Wells negative/low risk, and PERC negative. Low concern for aortic pathology, dysrhythmia, coronary artery disease (young with no risk factors, pain is sharp and intermittent, nonexertional), or esophageal rupture, and she does not require testing for these at this time. We will obtain EKG and chest x-ray, as well as pregnancy test.

EKG demonstrates normal sinus rhythm with normal axis, normal intervals, and no ST elevations, depressions, concerning T-wave inversions, Wellens wave. There is a partial right bundle-branch block without priors for comparison, but overall it is reassuring. Chest x-ray does not reveal acute pathology.

I was never told by either hospital that I have a right partial branch block. My ekg signed off by doctor says normal. Out of 3 and no one tells me this. So now I sit here scared. What should I do? I am a nervous wreck. Better than before by far but still on the verge of going into complete panic after working so hard in therapy to overcome this. I have even been of my meds for 5 months. Ugh is this something I worry about? I should also note I was only mildly hypertensive at the beginning of my visit by the time I left blood pressure was where it usually is at 115/75.

07-11-18, 15:06
What should I do?

Nothing ChelleB. That's is one of the most positive and normal tests results I've ever seen. That finding you're focusing on, especially in light of how healthy you are, was most likely caused by your raised BP.

Positive thoughts

07-11-18, 18:41
I know odds are it is nothing serious. I even messeged the Chair of Womens Cardiology here at U of M and this is what she responded with:
Without knowing more about the patient, I can tell you that the findings copied here do sound quite reassuring. A partial right bundle branch block is an EKG finding that has no clinical relevance; it’s just a slightly different electrical conduction system, but does not indicate coronary artery disease or any other heart problem. It’s like having a finger print that’s different from someone else’s fingerprint; not a problem, just is what it is.
Hope that helps
I may just see if my Doctor will refer me for an echo just to be sure my heart is okay. I have been on a beta blocker for high blood pressure for 9 years now but it is very well controlled.
Can stabbing and other chest pain continue for weeks and months and it not be anything serious?

---------- Post added at 18:41 ---------- Previous post was at 15:37 ----------

Anyone :shrug:

07-11-18, 18:53
Anyone :shrug:

I know odds are it is nothing serious. I even messeged the Chair of Womens Cardiology here at U of M and this is what she responded with:
Without knowing more about the patient, I can tell you that the findings copied here do sound quite reassuring. A partial right bundle branch block is an EKG finding that has no clinical relevance; it’s just a slightly different electrical conduction system, but does not indicate coronary artery disease or any other heart problem. It’s like having a finger print that’s different from someone else’s fingerprint; not a problem, just is what it is.
Hope that helps

Positive thoughts

09-11-18, 01:23
So my heart rate is sitting between 54-65 lots of readings between 54-57 and blood pressure between 105/69 ad 117/76. Isn't 54bpm really slow and 105/69 slow? I am on a beta blocker but is it safe for these numbers to be this low??

09-11-18, 03:37
So my heart rate is sitting between 54-65 lots of readings between 54-57 and blood pressure between 105/69 ad 117/76. Isn't 54bpm really slow and 105/69 slow? I am on a beta blocker but is it safe for these numbers to be this low??Those numbers are me all the time. Completely healthy.

I would trust the "Chair of Women's Cardiology". She probably knows what she's talking about. ;)

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27-11-18, 19:10
Hey Everyone, a little back story 4 weeks ago a girl i went to school with died of a heart attack at 37, 2 weeks ago a 38 year old i went to school with had a heart attack, and i know of two other people under 45 who recently had one. Anyway around 4 weeks ago i started getting a chest pain when inhaling deeply and only if i wasnt sitting with good posture. My back shoulders neck and chest all hurt. Ive been on a beta blocker for 8 years and never had a problem. Usually always 115/75 since the chest issue its now between 135/90 and 122/81. I have been to two emergency rooms and had ekgs and also 2 chest xrays done and a heart enzyme blood test and everything cameback normal. I have also seen my doctor and her pa as well as an urgent care doctor. All say the pain is muscular ir chest wall pain. Cardiologist today listened to me and said i am taking shallow breaths and the pain i feel when taking deep breaths are because i shallow breath and mu ligaments and lungs arent used to me inhaling so deeply and that the pain is not my heart. He said he doesnt feel the need for me to have a stress test as he doesnt feel its necessary and that he will do an echo but i couldnt get it until the end of January. He said he doesnt think the echo will show anything and that my blood pressure readings although higher than my normal are not dangerous. I asked him if he really thought I was okay and he said yes this is not heart pain and to not worry. His resident also said to me that nothing is alarming and not to worry. I guess just why not have me come in sooner than 2 months away?? What if something is wrong?! Im really worried. Please try and talk me down.

27-11-18, 19:22
Please try and talk me down.

Talk you down from what? :huh: All I can say is...


Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 19:22
Hey Everyone, a little back story 4 weeks ago a girl i went to school with died of a heart attack at 37, 2 weeks ago a 38 year old i went to school with had a heart attack, and i know of two other people under 45 who recently had one. Anyway around 4 weeks ago i started getting a chest pain when inhaling deeply and only if i wasnt sitting with good posture. My back shoulders neck and chest all hurt. Ive been on a beta blocker for 8 years and never had a problem. Usually always 115/75 since the chest issue its now between 135/90 and 122/81. I have been to two emergency rooms and had ekgs and also 2 chest xrays done and a heart enzyme blood test and everything cameback normal. I have also seen my doctor and her pa as well as an urgent care doctor. All say the pain is muscular ir chest wall pain. Cardiologist today listened to me and said i am taking shallow breaths and the pain i feel when taking deep breaths are because i shallow breath and mu ligaments and lungs arent used to me inhaling so deeply and that the pain is not my heart. He said he doesnt feel the need for me to have a stress test as he doesnt feel its necessary and that he will do an echo but i couldnt get it until the end of January. He said he doesnt think the echo will show anything and that my blood pressure readings although higher than my normal are not dangerous. I asked him if he really thought I was okay and he said yes this is not heart pain and to not worry. His resident also said to me that nothing is alarming and not to worry. I guess just why not have me come in sooner than 2 months away?? What if something is wrong?! Im really worried. Please try and talk me down.

You’ve had how many doctors tell you you’re fine, yet you’re here looking for the opinions of a bunch of untrained internet hypochondriacs.
I think you know the answer.

27-11-18, 19:25
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


27-11-18, 19:35
No worries! Sorry i didnt do that!

---------- Post added at 19:35 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------

I know! To top it off i just took my blood pressure at home first reading 130/87 then 124/85 and the third 112/78. I always take 3 readings a minute apart. **** and i am sorry to swear but this anxiety bs is the absolute worst ever. I just was hoping he would not even want an echo i guess thats what scares me.

27-11-18, 19:41
I just was hoping he would not even want an echo i guess thats what scares me.

He said he doesnt feel the need for me to have a stress test as he doesnt feel its necessary and that he will do an echo but i couldnt get it until the end of January. He said he doesnt think the echo will show anything and that my blood pressure readings although higher than my normal are not dangerous.

He said you didn't need one but will do it for reassurance knowing full well it will be normal. If this is going to cause you two months of stress and anxiety, cancel it as you don't need the test.

Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 21:08
No he said no need for stress test but lets do an echo even though he feels he wont find anything. I cant even get it til 1/22!!!

27-11-18, 21:23
No he said no need for stress test but lets do an echo even though he feels he wont find anything. I cant even get it til 1/22!!!

I’ve had doctors order all kinds of tests just to shut me up....CTs, an X-Ray, ultrasound, bloods, even an MRI. Just because they’re doing it doesn’t mean they think it’s necessary. Quite the contrary it sounds like here.

27-11-18, 21:24
No he said no need for stress test but lets do an echo even though he feels he wont find anything. I cant even get it til 1/22!!!

Semantics. It's for reassurance only and the fact it's not for two months backs that up.

Being that several medical professionals can't reassure you, I don't expect anyone here can :shrug:

Positive thoughts

27-11-18, 21:31
I guess back to therapy ago. I was doing so good that i even was weaned off my med. Ugh i hate this. But thanks to every single one of you who commented. It really does help me try to be more rational.

27-11-18, 21:36
If you need a rational argument against heart problems, here it is:

started getting a chest pain when inhaling deeply and only if i wasnt sitting with good posture. My back shoulders neck and chest all hurt.

This tells you all you needed to know right here. Heart attacks don't care about your posture or your breathing volume. Your musculoskeletal system does.

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27-11-18, 21:38
Has all the hallmarks of costochondritis.

27-11-18, 23:30
I can understand your worries about the heart after hearing about the other people you knew having heart attacks. Although some of your chest symptoms may be very real, no doubt the anxiety about what you have heard recently is tricking your mind into thinking you are suffering similar things. This happens to me all the time, I hear about a family member, friend, or even just something in the news and then a few days later I start experiencing similar symptoms.

27-11-18, 23:49
I seriously think if i hadnt found any of this out i wouldnt have freaked out like this. Since i have came home from the cardiologist my pressure is staying around 119/79. Im thinking since he believes im fine it has brought my anxiety down. I guess ive just never felt a tightness in my chest when my anxiety flared up but now I know its very real.

28-11-18, 04:28
I took my blood pressure before bed and these were my readings: 138/87, 127/85, 121/83, 109/80. Im scared to even sleep. Are these okay??

28-11-18, 04:40
Why are you taking your own blood pressure, and so often at that? Has the doctor asked you to? This tells all we need to know right there.

For what it's worth, 120/80 is considered "normal" or average or whatever. But people vary. I'm usually about 105/65 and every doctor or nurse ever always says I'm perfectly healthy when they measure it.

You'll do well to stop the symptom-checking. Throw the BP machine out in the trash (unless a dr ordered you to do it)

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28-11-18, 05:00
I take it because im on a blood pressure med. I usually take it 3-4 times a minute apart. Its always high then falls lower. I know i really should throw it away. I was doing so good then now im back struggling about health. I hate it.

28-11-18, 13:37
It was 125/85 this morning before i took my bp med. Do you think thats okay????

28-11-18, 14:29
Has all the hallmarks of costochondritis.
I will second this call. Costo can be a real (literal pain), and easily triggered by anxiety (especially if you are the kind of person who experiences chest tightness when you are worried). I am still dealing with mine 8 months since it started, and it sucks. I press on my sternum and front of ribs, (especially the left side), and i will feel the pain. And being left centered, i can find my left arm hurting at times, other times its shoulder, etc.

All that said, Costo sucks, but it won't kill you, or even harm you (besides being in pain), as it is simply inflamed tissue..

28-11-18, 14:39
I take it because im on a blood pressure med.

I have real heart conditions and take BP meds, blood thinners etc. too. My cardiologist advised me to to get a home BP machine to check my BP as my meds were increased. I had to monitor it morning and evening for a couple of weeks to make sure my BP didn't go too low. After my body adjusted, I haven't had to use it nor do I. Unless your doctor is telling you to do this on a daily basis (I can't imagine they actually advised this), you don't need to do it as your BP levels are normal. None of the doctors are concerned either. all the obsessive self-checking is doing is feeding your dragon.

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 18:08
I looked at my last few visits to my doctors and my bp there for 3 appts was 122/84, 126/78, and 130/87. Are these within normal limits and this is why they haven't upped my bp meds? They have never even mentioned it being high. At the er it was 142/87 and the other time at the er 133/85. Does anyone see any dangers of any of these???

28-11-18, 18:28
I looked at my last few visits to my doctors and my bp there for 3 appts was 122/84, 126/78, and 130/87. Are these within normal limits and this is why they haven't upped my bp meds? They have never even mentioned it being high. At the er it was 142/87 and the other time at the er 133/85. Does anyone see any dangers of any of these???

Nope. Your anxiety makes it go up in those situations and the fact it goes down as you take it repeatedly shows it's your anxiety. The rest are normal and the fact is, it will vary up and down depending on what you're doing and how bad your anxiety is at the moment.

So... did your doctor actually advise you to take your BP incessantly?

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 18:29
I looked at my last few visits to my doctors and my bp there for 3 appts was 122/84, 126/78, and 130/87. Are these within normal limits and this is why they haven't upped my bp meds? They have never even mentioned it being high. At the er it was 142/87 and the other time at the er 133/85. Does anyone see any dangers of any of these???

You do see that you’re putting yourself through hell with all of these checks and research, right?
Why not let your doctors just do their job?

28-11-18, 18:41
I have always checked it once a week usually 3-4 times in a row and have for years. Usually the first reading or 2 are high then they go down. But with the chest pains I have been feeling I have spiraled and begun doing it any where from 15-30 times. I really should stop. I agree I need to leave it up to the Doctors. I have also wrote my therapist so I can start seeing her again. Sorry for being such a pest. Thanks so much for all responses!

28-11-18, 18:46
Yeah, definitely look into real life help. You're engaging in self-examination behaviors that are totally unnecessary and that's just keeping the anxiety fires burning and that really needs to stop. I would bin the BP machine!

Positive thoughts

28-11-18, 19:06
You are not being a pest, do not worry. This is exactly what this forum is for, to help guide each other through the panic and think clearly!

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