View Full Version : Red spots on my palate

07-11-18, 14:52
I was going to the dentist and just before noticed multiple red spots on my palate, natural I asked the dentist and she said it could be a little cold or something like that. I accepted the answer and was then fine, now I’m not so fine ! She asked if they hurt and I said no, but now I think they hurt a bit, I’m so afraid it’s cancer or something very dangerous.

Had anybody experience this before ?!!

07-11-18, 15:16
She asked if they hurt and I said no, but now I think they hurt a bit, I’m so afraid it’s cancer or something very dangerous.

They either hurt or they don't. You don't have to "think" about it. IMO, totally and completely psychosomatic.

Positive thoughts

07-11-18, 15:19
I bet they started hurting because the dentist asked if they did.

They know how to look for oral cancer so you are fine.

07-11-18, 15:31
It’s difficult to say, you guys are probably right. But on the other side I was so afraid to go to the dentist that all I ate was a drinkable smoothie, now when I think they might hurt I eat bread.

But again you are properly right, I have to try the wait and see thing, but right now I’m all panicking, taking pictures of it and all, but NO google I ha e learned that lesson!

07-11-18, 18:26
I genuinely find it hard to understand this mistrust in highly trained professionals - yeah sure every now and again one gets something wrong, but its unlikely. Dentists train for longer than GPs, they are trained to look for a variety of things and not just at your teeth - oral cancers being one of those things. Why not just leave it and see if it goes? One thing, your dentist probably didn't really know quite what you were bothered about, so just gave you an answer about something benign - because sometimes things are just 'there' and normal for that individual.

07-11-18, 19:05
For me personally, I had a problem, not related to this at all, where a doctor missed something potentially very dangerous. I know it was one incident and it had never happened before, but it was only a couple of years ago and I just have to let go of the scepticism, it is just very very difficult.

But yes I will wait and see how it goes and try not to worry about it.

10-11-18, 17:37

The spots are still there but is slowly disappearing by themselves, I had some days where I felt pretty crappy, felt tired and sick with a little sore throat and headache. So like my dentist said I could be a little virus I have/had.

10-11-18, 18:08
Ah, so.....the dentist was right :winks:

10-11-18, 19:52
Ohh Yes she was :shades: even though i freaked out i managede to stay off google and away from the doctors office :nonage: