View Full Version : Mri.

27-10-18, 17:28
Had a left sided pressure/ headache for over 2 weeks. Dizziness, brain fog, eye pressure,ear pain and temple pain. I cant think straight for it. I got my eyes tested on sunday and paid extra for a pic of back of my eye and everything was normal. Would it pick up a brain tumour?

27-10-18, 21:17
Try a decongestant or Afrin Nasal Spray... you may just be totally clogged.

27-10-18, 21:41
No ive tried a sudafed spray.

27-10-18, 22:01
Would the pic of the back of the eye pick up a rumour. Short answer is it might but probably not. Change in the reactivity to light, if it was unilateral might. Fairly easy to differential diagnosed, MRI scan, x-ray, etc.
Cluster headaches and vomiting would usually be present.

27-10-18, 22:10
Doesn't fill me with confidence anaximenes ��

27-10-18, 22:54
Zippy between this and your other post I feel pretty confident that you're simply suffering from migraines. Have a doctor examine and diagnose you but it's far far more likely that than anything sinister.

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28-10-18, 10:19
A migraine for over 2 weeks. I am struggling to get up in the morning and feel like i am not myself at all.

28-10-18, 10:43
Hi Zippy, I have been going through the same thing but for longer, since July. It sounds like the same sort of pain. I didn't know if mine were cluster headaches as they seem to fit the pattern of pain but I have read that in cluster headaches the pain is severe whereas mine is mild but annoying. It could be a tension headache. I get migraines but this definitely isn't one of those. I also have a congested nose on the side of the pain that comes and goes. I am terrified about a brain tumour too. I also have a tender spot on my forehead above my eye.

28-10-18, 11:30
I have a tender spot to the side of my left temple, top left and behind my left ear. Dr looked at my eyes and ive had them thoroughly checked at opticians. I keep thinking if my eye and temple are causing this much pressure by a tumour it would have been picked up from the opticians. She did the peripheral vision test too which was normal.

28-10-18, 19:00
I have been having head pressure the last few days with blurred vision and brain zaps. Had a few moments where I felt like I was gonna pass out with it. The pressure is above ears but below temples. I freaked out too and went straight to opticians for an eye test who said everything was fine. I too am worrying about brain tumour especially as I have been having so many nerve issues over last few months, tingling crawling and burning sensations as well as numbness. The rational side of my brain knows these are all symptoms of anxiety but of course the irrational side catastrophises it all. I do have chronic sinusitis so it cause be a cause but I’m not so sure.

28-10-18, 19:17
Did the eye test reassure you? Did you mention you were worried to the optician?

28-10-18, 20:29
Did the eye test reassure you? Did you mention you were worried to the optician?

Yes I did mention it, a few times. And that my eyes are extremely sensitive to light. She said ther was nothing she could see and to go to my go if I was worried about head pressure etc.

28-10-18, 20:36
Did you have the photo of your eye took and peripheral visual test? I told mine too and she said everything looked normal. I keep thinking if something was causing this much pressure it would have shown.

28-10-18, 20:53
she said everything looked normal. I keep thinking if something was causing this much pressure it would have shown.

You can either accept the test results or pursue a diagnosis that will never come and treat the real issue. After all, you're posting on an anxiety website :whistles:

Positive thoughts

Gary A
28-10-18, 22:24
You seem to want someone to tell you that if you had a brain tumour, your eye test would have detected it. Well, it is indeed true that your visual acuity is directly linked to your brain. All of your eye movements and pretty much every sense within the eye is intricately connected to the brain.

However, your brain is split into sections, for want of a better description. Certain areas control movement, certain areas control thoughts, certain areas control balance etc etc. Your eye test is testing the eyes and an area of the brain called the occipital lobe. This is the area of your brain that controls and processes your eyes and what they see.

You don't have a tumour in the occipital lobe of your brain. That's what your eye test told you, along with other things.

The rest of your brain? Your eye test simply doesn't test those areas. However, there is something worth your consideration. Your optician will have inspected your optic discs. These are disc like tissues at the very back of each eye that link the optic nerves to the brain.

When a tumour is present within your skull, the pressure within it, known as intracranial pressure, rises. This is where tumour related headaches arise from.

Put simply, if your headache was being caused by a brain tumour, it would indicate that your intracranial pressure had risen. When that happens, the aforementioned optic discs, display telltale signs. These signs would have been easily spotted by your optician.

Long story short? You have neither a tumour in the occipital lobe of your brain, and you have absolutely no sign of increased pressure within the skull, which a tumour like mass on the brain absolutely would cause.

Even shorter story? You don't have a brain tumour.

29-10-18, 00:19
Even shorter story? You don't have a brain tumour.

Yeah but....... :whistles:

Positive thoughts

29-10-18, 09:17

30-10-18, 22:11
Right if this what i am going through isnt a brain tumour i would like to know what else it could be please. Off and on off balance, left temple pain, left pain by ear and left back of skull. Like today most of the day my head felt clearer and then all of a sudden my left nostril felt a bit stuffy and then the awful headache in them 3 places came again and made me feel sick and foggy headed again 🤷*♀️. I am trying to rationlise and not think BT all the time but what else can cause head symptoms every day for weeks in them 3 places?

30-10-18, 23:18

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

31-10-18, 01:25
Brain tumor isn't going to come and go.

We've already given you more realistic options that this could be:. TMJ, migraine variant (yes, they can be every day even for years!), other headache variant...or....anxiety.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

31-10-18, 17:34
My left eye feels inflamed too but its not because just had them checked.

31-10-18, 17:45
No, its not inflamed lol Yep, you've had loads of tests and no you don't have a brain tumour.

You probably still won't believe me, but at 20 years old I was convinced I had a brain tumour. In those days there was no internet, so my 'symptoms' weren't as closely tied to the research HA people do nowadays. I felt my left eye was smaller (and getting smaller) than the right, my left eye hurt, and there was a feeling of pressure around it. I had pains in my head on that side, temple and further back. I had odd visual disturbances -I had a hospital appointment for eye check, and other than floaters there was nothing untoward. I felt weak on my left side, my arm and leg weren't 'working properly'.

So, I didn't have a brain tumour (that was 3 decades ago), despite being totally certain that everybody was missing it and my symptoms were absolutely there. I was certain that professionals had got it wrong, I was going to be the case where it was found and too late - then I would be 'told you so' and they would be wrought with guilt.

I'm happy to say, they were right and I was wrong. :D

What changed and made it go ? I started spending time concentrating on other people. I removed my ability to spend time 'selfishly' concentrating on myself and my symptoms. Distraction is the key; spending time doing things for others is a great way to focus on something different. I'm not saying thats how all time should be spent, doing things for others and not yourself, but talking and hearing from other people, sweeping their drive, visiting a lonely old person.....all ideas.....

31-10-18, 17:57
I havent had loads of tests ive been to opticians. I am not imaging all these things. My eye feels sore and irritated and my left side headache and head pressure is horrendous.

31-10-18, 18:01
I didn't say you were imagining it, and neither was I (apart from my eye being smaller of course lol). I said it didn't mean you had a brain tumour. What you are experiencing is from daily, repeated high levels of anxiety and stress.

So, go to the doctor then Zippy, if you think its a real illness......instead of posting on an anxiety forum. If you really really believe its something sinister causing it. You've been told that an optician can see if there was something wrong with your head, but you don't believe that or trust them....so what to do ??

31-10-18, 18:14
Have any of the 435 threads you've posted since you joined in 2017 come true or been sinister in any way?

Positive thoughts

31-10-18, 18:20
Have any of the 435 threads you've posted since you joined in 2017 come true or been sinister in any way?

Positive thoughts

If that doesn’t open ones eyes to the real issue, I’m not sure what will.

31-10-18, 18:23
Yup. That is always interesting, to look up a poster history and see the year on year on year pattern of illness after illness.

I couldn't believe it Zippy - FMP is right. Its 9 years since you first came here, and you've started 435 of your own threads with health concerns (that doesn't count the threads where you have responded to or added your own concerns to the threads other people have started).

So, thats 9 years of this misery, and all for nothing - you've not had anything serious at all.

31-10-18, 18:26
I know ive posted numerous times but when your that convinced and the symptoms and feelings are real. Feels like all the left side of my head is inflamed.

31-10-18, 18:31
I'll repeat.....

NOTHING SERIOUS AT ALL in those 9 years

So what does that tell you ? You need to learn from this pattern or will it be nearly another decade of not living, and worrying about illness? (I'm being hard yes I know)

Throughout those 9 years there are threads where you keep asking, could this be anxiety ? Can it be anxiety? Surely this isnt anxiety? I'm not sure it could be anxiety?

It has been proved that it has always been either anxiety OR (and yep even anxious people get unwell) minor problems ir illnesses which are NOT serious. It has been proved that the doctors you've seen have been right all along in assessements they've made. Its been proved because you are still here, well. You aren't dead, nor are you heading that way!

Do you know what you need to do Zippy? GO back and read your old threads about your head symptoms. They start wayyyyy back, and they pop up here and there. There is a good set in 2013. You had similar worries and symptoms. Read them, see how you felt then, what the outcome was and so on.

31-10-18, 18:47
Here's the saddest part. Living as if you're always dying is not living at all :weep:

Positive thoughts

31-10-18, 18:59
Absolutely its not. I have two people in my life who are seriously ill, terminal - one has end stage MND and the other breast cancer with various secondary cancers. Both are living a better quality of life than you right now, and you are healthy.

If you don't try something, and try it soon.....you will be here in 10 years with the same HA. Why not start 'giving to others', focus on the needs of someone/anyone around you?

31-10-18, 19:03
Yes in 2013 i had a brain mri and had lesions.

31-10-18, 19:06
5 years later, i.e. NOW......are you dead ? I guess not as you are replying.

Here's a shocker - everyone is going to die, some time and some day. Most will pass in old age after they have been treated for various things by the wonderful NHS. We don't know when we will pass from this world, but we know one thing, life is for living. Many people live with incapacitating illness or ill-health, its entirely possible you know.

Sorry Zippy, I'm outta this thread now. I've given my own examples, and loads of advice, as have many many others.

31-10-18, 19:07
I got tested for ms in 2013 because of the brain lesions. No im not dead obviously.

31-10-18, 21:10
So it is all anxiety related in one way or another then so we can move on now?

03-11-18, 13:46
Does anyone else just feel odd or different and not themselves at all. Feel like i am constantly angry and in a mood. Feel like i am losing myself and my personality. I dont know whether its the headaches i am having thats making me feel this way or the worry and anxiety.

03-11-18, 14:28
Depression can cause anger and mood-swings. It can creep up on you slowly due to a build-up of anxiety and stress, so look to get it treated. DP can also be a side effect of both depression and anxiety, causing the "odd" or "different" feeling you describe.

03-11-18, 18:06
Would these "personality" issues be linked to your perceived brain tumour?

03-11-18, 18:21
I haven't felt like myself emotionally since my balance problem started in February. Whether it's a direct result of the vestibular disorder or the result of the associated anxiety (and even sometimes depression) I'm not sure (kind of a chicken or the egg thing), but I can say that when either physical symptoms are a little lighter OR the anxiety/depression is a little lighter, I feel more like myself at those times.

So if you can't figure out what the physical problem is (if it is something besides anxiety causing your symptoms), you can still benefit in the meantime by trying to treat and lessen your anxiety. I promise!

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

03-11-18, 18:24
Yes pulisa i think it is.

03-11-18, 18:32
Would these "personality" issues be linked to your perceived brain tumour?

A nice bit of perception from you there too Pulisa - good observation skills. :)

Zippy, the feelings you are having of 'feeling like you are losing your personality'....is called depersonalisation. I think there is an article on this forum about it.

03-11-18, 19:44
I think that once you are fixated on symptoms for a particular sinister condition it's very easy to zone in on any bodily or mental "peculiarity" and attribute it to the feared illness. What would help you move away from this self-diagnosis? Would it come down to another brain scan? Would you be convinced by a negative brain scan if you were referred for one or would these unexplained lesions terrify you even further?

03-11-18, 19:58
I was wondering about those lesions too, I mean what was the outcome - did they explain everything to do after finding them? (presumably they weren't threatening in any way) Clearly its still eating you up that they are there.

03-11-18, 20:31
436 threads! That's enough to depress anyone, Zippy.

Are you getting any help?

03-11-18, 20:33
Sounds like anxiety and depression zippy. I definitely feel like this with my anxiety too. I doubt if the headaches are the primary cause of this but the worry about them is probably contributing to how you feel. I also get tired a lot more when I feel this way and feel like I have no energy or motivation. These are all signs of mild depression.

03-11-18, 21:22
436 threads! That's enough to depress anyone, Zippy.

Are you getting any help?

And 9 years! Well are you? Meds? Therapy?

Positive thoughts

04-11-18, 01:35
Fluoxetine and cbt. And yes the lesions do worry me because i havent been well for 18yrs and had to have a lumbar puncture etc to test for ms.

04-11-18, 03:14
Fluoxetine and cbt.

18 years eh? You're still here so that speaks volumes as to the seriousness of your physical condition ;)

What does your therapist say about your reassurance seeking behaviors?

Positive thoughts

04-11-18, 08:30
Fluoxetine and cbt. And yes the lesions do worry me because i havent been well for 18yrs and had to have a lumbar puncture etc to test for ms.

But you don't have MS so were these lesions just incidental findings? Presumably the doctors don't see a need to monitor them? Sometimes things just turn up on MRI/CT scans which are completely harmless and which you'd never have known about without the scans.

04-11-18, 09:07
The lesions were found after i had had a bad bout of vertigo. The neuro re scanned me 18 months later and the lesions had reduced in size. I am just worrying because this left side headache and pressure feeling has been there every day for the last month and no painkillers touch it at all.

04-11-18, 10:20
So sorry you’re feeling like this :( just wanted to say it’s totally normal to experience that with anxiety/depression, I’m sure most of the people here have experienced that at some point or another. You will get through this eventually! Keep your head up :)

07-11-18, 14:59
As you know with all my posts about my left side headaches/pressure i was referred for an mri. I phoned the neurology dept today and they havent even received anything about it. Its 3 weeks ago since i saw my gp. Now i am thinking 3 weeks wasted and will have to wait even longer now because they havent even got it.

07-11-18, 15:01
Zippy can you keep your posts together please

Most probably you have a non urgent referral and will have to wait

08-11-18, 19:02
No the drs have sent a fax but the neurology department havent received it.

08-11-18, 19:36
No the drs have sent a fax but the neurology department havent received it.

Just joining your thread. Are you being referred for an MRI or to see a Neurologist?

08-11-18, 19:41
The dr said for an mri.

Gary A
08-11-18, 22:04
The dr said for an mri.

A gp shouldn't have the authority to refer for an MRI, a gp should only refer on to a neurologist who then, after examination, may order imaging such as CT or MRI scans.

08-11-18, 22:27
Either way they havent received the fax at all.

21-04-20, 08:17
Hi zip..

See if you feel this may be the same as you.

In December I had an awful cold BLOCKED all of my sinuses.
Around that time I was at wrk and I noticed I was off balance. Thought that’s weird..

Over about three weeks I was off balance and noticed I was actually getting dizzy.
During that time I had two clients come to arrange their funerals (they both had brain tumours) they explained how they found out and I was like oh shit I have had all that. 🙄😐

Anyway it’s carried on since then. I’ve seen a hospital nurse who gave me anti dizziness tablets but wasn’t freaked out by it. My gp said to try a few manoeuvres and so forth (private message me and I’ll tell u how to do them)
It carried on and I have this odd sensations in my eye socket like pressure at the front .. I can feel really dizzy randomly and completely off.
I and not getting (on that side) pain in the top of my head and pain around this side..
I find it’s worse when I’m not busy and so forth but I’ve had my eyes tested and she said she can’t see anything.

I’ve had head issues before and been hospitalised so it freaks me out.

Does it sound at all similar ? Xxx

21-04-20, 13:19
This thread is two years old. The OP has moved onto other issues.

Positive thoughts