View Full Version : Really worried ... on verge of health anxiety freefall

08-11-18, 20:26

I've been suffering with health anxiety for a while but recently had some odd bleeding (ladies issues ... sorry). I did go to gp to check it out who did pelvic exam and sent me for ultrasound as precaution .... Didn't seem concerned. I called up last week to see if results were back and was told all was fine but possibly some fluid in my womb. I thought ok I'm sure all is well... today I arrived home from work to a letter from the gp who has asked to talk to me over the telephone next Tuesday. This has spiked my anxiety .... I am about to freefall into a complete state! I keep trying to think that the gp would not break bad news over the phone does anyone agree?? Perhaps it's just to deliver my results and is a follow up ?? I'm beside myself with worry and am sorry to say I fell off the Dr Google wagon and read all sorts of scary stuff! Would a gp want to see me in person if I needed to worry ??

08-11-18, 22:27
If the gp was that concerned then he would’ve got you to go and see him as soon as they got the results back. I am sure if it was anything serious then he wouldn’t have waited till now and also wouldn’t have arranged a telephone appointment for next week, he would’ve got you to come in. Try not to worry and stay positive I’m sure it will be nothing major, if gp doesn’t seem conncerned then you shouldn’t be either :)

08-11-18, 22:37
Thank you. I would hope that they would see me in person if anything too scary but you never know with time pushed GPS. I just wasn't expecting a letter and thought all was well! Trying not to worry but HA leaves me on the edge.

09-11-18, 16:16
Well I managed to get to see a GP today. It seems that I have fluid in womb and they are sending me for a camera procedure which sounds unpleasant. I'm really worried and ended up having a full panic attack whilst at work. Has anyone else had anything similar?? I'm panicking !

09-11-18, 20:16
Try not to panic I’m sure there is a very harmless cause for it! And I don’t know much about the procedure but I’m sure it will be very quick and if there was any chance of discomfort they’d offer you pain relief. Please try to stay calm and rational, it is far more likely to be something harmless than it is to be something scary :) sending positive vibes your way

10-11-18, 19:57
Help! My anxiety is peaking with the worry of an upcoming medical procedure. I feel like crying all of the time. I'm confused. I'm panicked. I've got knots in my stomach. My heart is beating very quickly. I just cannot calm down with the fear ... It's like a nightmare for me. I just don't know how to control this feeling and I'm beginning to feel very desperate! I have two teenage children so I'm trying to stay in control and not worry them.

10-11-18, 20:24
Take deep breaths try and get your rational head on. The doctor has most likely only sent you for a scan to cover himself and also to give you peace of mind. There’s nothing you can do what will be will be and so there’s no real use in worrying (I know that’s easy for me to say lol wish I took my own advice) but honestly just try and stay calm, do breathing exercises do meditation and try to let the thoughts and sensations “float” away from you. I am sure that everything will turn out fine in the end so don’t panic! The procedure will be over before you know it and you’ll be able to relax :)