View Full Version : nystagmus/ms worry.

I hate myself
09-11-18, 05:06
I've had twitching, vibration, myoclonic jerk, jolt that got make my whole body jump for the past year now. I got an emg it was clear so i happily wrote it off with bfs but now worrying symptoms have appeared. I've had issues focusing my eyes. I'll try to stare at something and my eye will jerk slightly in another direction. Most of the time it only does it a little but other times it'll freak out and freak out making me close my eyes cause it feels weird. I'm worried about it being nystagmus but it's kind of vague on the definition. Along with that i got weird vision issues where everything is wavy especially letters or wood patterns. These symptoms happened the day after my eye doc visit and that day i couldn't stare at anything but now it's better and now it'll just freak out every now and then. I also got eye pain which also has me worried.

Combined those issues with the issues I've had for the last year and 2 months and I'm petrified i have MS cause I've read nystagmus is a sign of it slash complication of it. My face has been buzzing and twitching including my eyelids not sure if that's related.

I balls up enough to google a video of it and I'm pretty certain i don't have it but feel free to give any ideas what else it could be. Or call me stupid and I'm worried about nothing, it helps.

09-11-18, 17:37
That's what you describe is normal I guess, when you stare, eye will slightly move.

Nystagmus is a vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements.

Check on youtube how it looks, it's constant and fast eye movements.

I hate myself
10-11-18, 05:52
Yeah i ended up looking it up afterwards. I was so scared that i'd find what i got but then i decided to go for it happy to see that i indeed didn't have it. Though i wouldn't consider this normal at all. I've noticed that if i'm scrolling down and up going from one line to the other will cause my eyes to jerk about for a second every now and then and doing it for a prolonged time will end up making my eyes hurt. Part of me thinks it's just my mind messing with me since i'm on this website which means i'm in health anxiety mode until i see the neurologist next friday and i don't think it happens as often when i'm not paying attention to it but it still happens. I now don't think it is even related to the symptoms i already mentioned but with how body wide the symptoms are my mind relates them and i freak out. It could be that my glasses prescription are so old and my eyes are just strained but i've never heard this as a symptom before.