View Full Version : Leaving Mirt, Too Weight Inducing... Where To Go Next...?

09-11-18, 19:46
Hi all, just a quick question really...

I am so sick of Mirtazapine and have an appointment with my GP this week coming...

I am looking to switch and wondered if anyone had switched from Mirt to Ven or Sert and if so, what was it like...?

Thanks in advance... :)

10-11-18, 00:19
I can't offer much advice about changing from Mirt to Ven or Sert, but Mirt and Ven is supposed to be good in combo with each other. Maybe worth a mention to your GP? But i'm not sure if a GP will prescribe the combo without you seeing a psych 1st.

10-11-18, 13:05
I can't offer much advice about changing from Mirt to Ven or Sert, but Mirt and Ven is supposed to be good in combo with each other. Maybe worth a mention to your GP? But i'm not sure if a GP will prescribe the combo without you seeing a psych 1st.

Not really after a combo. I just want rid of the Mirts, with as little discomfort as possible. I have been tapering off for a number of months and got down to 7.5, but that's when the anxiety/panic, call it what you will started up again. That was about three/four weeks ago and I reinstated back to 15mg. It has settled me some, but not enough for me to feel confident again.

My therapist and myself are not too sure whether it was discon syndrome or a recurrence of my condition. She seems to think the latter as I have opted for the first suggestion.

Either or, it has made me a little cautious and tentative about being med free. But what I do know is I want OFF the Mirts, my weight is starting to cause me concern and so is my mental stability. I read Ven's are tolerated well, and I remember trying them a number of years ago. They made me tired but that was about it.