View Full Version : Rasping or buzzing in chest with cough

10-11-18, 01:15
I have a long history of coughing from allergies and silent acid reflux. Last April I had a bad episode, and one day when I was coughing, I had this raspy sort of sensation in my left upper chest when I inhaled. It wasn't a high pitched wheeze, it was low, more like a snore or a buzz. It only happened for a couple of breaths, and went away after I coughed some more.

I went to my GP, and until my pulmonologist could see me, the GP put me on an inhaler and changed my acid reflux medication. By the time I saw my pulmonologist at the end of May, I was doing so well he weaned me off the inhaler. I had had a clear chest xray in January and my lungs sounded fine to both the GP and the pulmonologist, so he was not worried.

I was doing well until I got a terrible head cold on Halloween. By Monday evening, I had a fever, and the same occasional raspy feeling when inhaling while coughing again, this time on the right side of my chest. I went to urgent care, where I had an xray which came out fine. My lungs sounded fine to the PA. Once again I got an inhaler, and I have been taking cough medicine as well. The cold is finally getting better, and I am coughing less. I didn't get the raspy sensation at all yesterday, although I did get it once today. Each time I get that rasping, if I cough some more, it clears up.

Has anyone else ever had that raspy feeling in the chest when coughing? Ive never had anything like this before in my life. Crackling, yes, but not this buzz. Maybe this is what people call a rattle? Of course I am worried there is something more serious than a bad cold going on. I know you all are rolling your eyes, because I didn't have this problem before I caught this awful cold. But the feeling is really unnerving when it happens. Hoping it is just mucus.