View Full Version : Excruciating chest/upper abdomen pain after eating

10-11-18, 10:27
Last night I experienced the worst pain I've ever had in my life, it's set my anxiety right off again. I had a fairly fatty/acidic meal (gourmet burger and fries) and within half hour I had the worst intense pain up under my ribs sort of in my chest and stomach area. I felt like I was blown up like a balloon and that something was going to explode inside. I had contraction type spasms for about 10 mins and then huge vomit, and this repeated twice more within space of an hour. I thought I was going to die and was very close to calling ambulance, but it finally passed. The only thing I can liken the pain to was when I woke up from having my gallbladder removed and had intense winded feeling in chest due to the air they had put into abdomen to do the procedure. I've had much milder version a few times over the past few years, I think only since I've had my gallbladder out, usually after codeine or a spicy or oily meal.

I had an abdominal ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and all was fine on there and I had blood tests about 6 weeks ago after a vomiting episode where Dr tested pancreas and liver function and that was fine too. I'm going to see gastroenterologist next week so hopefully he can shed some light on what's wrong.

Has anyone else has had anything like this before?? I wonder if it's something to do with having had gallbladder out, I've heard weird things can happen afterwards (mine was 3 years ago now though). I also wondered if it was pancreatitis would it really come and go that quickly. Thank goodness I'm seeing Dr next week as my health anxiety will be horrible again after this episode.

10-11-18, 17:26
It deff doesn't sound like pancreatitis but I noticed you said you had your gallbladder removed. I too had mine removed and get something like you describe minus the vomiting but its very painful and I have had this pain off and on every since I had it removed about 9 or so years ago. It's funny that you mention having an episode after taking codeine at times as I notice mine a lot of times after taking morphine.. I have read somewhere that morphine can cause something in the bile system to spasm but I can't remember what. I am not sure if codeine can cause the same but its one heck of a coincidence...
I have had abdominal ultrasounds, abdominal ct scan, abdominal MRI and an MRCP and nothing was found...