View Full Version : I need help immediately!

26-08-07, 22:53

I have a problem. Last week, my wife was sent home to her country, Peru, by the immigration people here. She's going to be there for about a year, whilst she organises her return.

She has also asked me to do everything i can to get overcome my anxiety and go across to Peru (on my own). That thought terrifies me, but i want to go there as soon as possible. I cannot cope on my own as things are. I really really need to be there.

I'm currently at a very very low point in my recovery. I don't know what to do, but i just know that what i do do, i need to do quickly. I need to be at a stage where i can travel to Peru on my own!

Are there any suggestions you can give?



27-08-07, 01:16
What about trying to find someone else to travel with? Is there club for Peruvians in Britain, or maybe just a travel club? In the meantime, get going on the relaxtion, breathing exercises, affirmations, exercise or anything else that might help. There is no short answer, but if you have a blitz on all the things that might help, it might get you there.

27-08-07, 08:09
Is your need to get to Peru more than your fear of travelling...... I guess not, but holding that desire in your head may give you the extra courage?
also, what about asking your GP for a sedative to help you through the flight? I know several friends who use Lorazopam which should be fine to take short term to get you over the flight.
good luck.


27-08-07, 16:21

I agree you need to focus on why you are going. Go to your GP like Andy says and ask for something to help you but I would take it before you go and see how you handle it first. Also, take things on the plane to distract you. I also like to wear ear plugs too. I know you will be okay and will be back with your wife again soon. Good luck.


27-08-07, 18:57
I know what your going through, I myself have been unable also to even go near a plane

28-08-07, 13:16
:) Hi Gregor :)

Don't let the urgent timescale of this become another thing for you to worry about. Assess how important this is to you & let your actions (not your reactions) be the result: i.e. instead of panicing about what you are going to do, get out there & do it.

If your decision is that you need to be there, get it straight in your head that you ARE going to go. If you think you will need it, go to the doctors, ask about a sedative. Set a date, buy your ticket & check in online so you don't have lots of waiting around time in the ariport to get more anxious. Tell someone close what you plan to do & see if they can be available to support you (if not by travelling with you, then being available on the phone if you need to make a panic call or to drive you to the airport)

Then get on that plane & go! Thats how I made it to my sisters wedding last year & it was definitely worth crying on a plane full of strangers to get there! :blush:
You can do it, keep telling yourself & you might even start to believe it.
Good luck, take care, CarpeDiem

30-08-07, 22:48
thank you for all your advice and suggestions. The problem for me isn't just the flying part - it's all the stress with being in large airport full of people, standing in queues, etc. At the moment, i'm at a stage where i'm struggling a lot just going from room to room in my house. I can manage to get out sometimes and last about half an hour before my anxiety kicks in.

I would take someone with me to help me at the airport, but once i'm through the gates, i'll be on my own and i may need someone to help me get up the steps on the plane as well! I was thinking of getting a friend to come with me the whole way, sort of a free holiday for them! but, that'll mean travelling costs would double.

I'm currently doing everything i can do improve myself, but if there are any suggestions, i would be glad to hear them.

Thanks again.


31-08-07, 10:17
Many airlines are so aware that people do have a fear of flying and I think if you contact them you can see what services they offer in the way of support.

Things like where you are seated or just support getting up the steps to the plane. Ask before you buy your ticket and just explain how you feel.

Hope it all goes well for you