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View Full Version : Weight loss, but on purpose

10-11-18, 12:04
This might be my most ridiculous fear yet ...

I joined Weight Watchers to lose some weight. I started at 211 lbs and am now down to 183.6 lbs.

Obviously I’m watching what I eat and my job is physical ... but this morning I weighed in and I was down 4.4 pounds for the week.
I was initially excited, but then I got this wave of health anxiety like “what if I started this diet at the exact time I got sick and the weight loss is related to illness and not weight watchers.”

I’ve always been overweight - basically since I was 6 years old, losing weight has never been easy for me, but this time on WW it hadn’t been hard at all, which is why I’m worried. I assumed it would be more of a struggle.

My health anxiety always finds something new to latch on to :(

10-11-18, 15:34
Sounds like weight watchers works well for you! Weight loss isn't always linear, and having a big week isn't unusual. You might have a slower week next after this week's big change. It doesn't mean anything is wrong.

Congrats on your progress!

10-11-18, 16:03
Sorry, but I have no idea what there is to be worried about at all :huh:

That's awesome progress! Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

11-11-18, 22:43
Thank you :)
I lost 120 lbs on WW in my 20s, it worked well for me then and still does.
I just seem to be able to always link anything to some kinda symptom, which is annoying.

12-11-18, 00:37
I am positive you are fine, I'm a huge fan of WW and see amazing results.
People in my meeting love to share their losses so I hear the numbers all the time, yours is not rare, we'd all be cheering you on with your great week!

12-11-18, 01:25
I can relate to this as it happens to me too. I desperately need to lose a lot of weight but i fear the scales. Last year before therapy i was weighing myself up to 70 times a day. If i lost 2lbs in a week i would binge to put on so that i could see it was diet related weight loss. Now that i have finished with therapy i can put things into perspective. My Dr told me that the kind of weight loss associated with illness is very drastic. When i questioned her she said if you lose more than 10lbs in a week without dieting then there may be an underlying issue. Anything less than that without diet is not alarming until it happens over a long period of time. So say you were losing 4.4lb every week without weight watchers or healthy eating then they would look into it. You will be fine and carry on with the weight watchers. The second biggest cancer cause is obesity so dont fear the loss embrace it. Look at it as added protection from cancer x

12-11-18, 11:55
I sometimes fast for 24hrs and have shown weight loss of as much as 6lbs in a day. 4lbs in a week is nothing.

12-11-18, 13:07
Hey! I joined WW last month and I do this too! Like if I'm losing weight through healthy eating and exercise - how will I know it's not due to cancer or similar? Sometimes I worry that some of what I have lost is from illness. It's really irrational, but when those thoughts come you can't always see that.

Try and relax, reassure yourself. You are getting healthier and that is great! 4.4lbs is a fantastic loss, I doubt you'll lose that every week either, though you never know.

Don't worry :) And well done xx

12-11-18, 23:47
I don't think you're being ridiculous. HA makes us all think in less "conventional" ways.

I'm going through something similar where I'm worried about how much I weigh due a pancan fear.

Anyway, I had weighed myself over the weekend, and I was 183... last weigh-in was August at 185. Even though I had upped my exercise since August, and really should have lost more weight (lol),I still had doubts about how the weight came off. Obviously I was thinking it was from my perceived illness.

Don't fret, you're making great progress. Keep it up

13-11-18, 10:12
I can relate to this as it happens to me too. I desperately need to lose a lot of weight but i fear the scales. Last year before therapy i was weighing myself up to 70 times a day. If i lost 2lbs in a week i would binge to put on so that i could see it was diet related weight loss. Now that i have finished with therapy i can put things into perspective. My Dr told me that the kind of weight loss associated with illness is very drastic. When i questioned her she said if you lose more than 10lbs in a week without dieting then there may be an underlying issue. Anything less than that without diet is not alarming until it happens over a long period of time. So say you were losing 4.4lb every week without weight watchers or healthy eating then they would look into it. You will be fine and carry on with the weight watchers. The second biggest cancer cause is obesity so dont fear the loss embrace it. Look at it as added protection from cancer x

Thank you for this - I've all of a sudden lost 3lbs of my holiday weight in a week and a half that I couldn't shift since the beginning of August and was in a panic (I did spend the tail end of the week before last in hospital on nil by mouth for two days, so that is probably a contributor). I hope they weight does not go down by a few more pounds suddenly as I will then be worried.

13-11-18, 16:32
Last year when that nasty virus was doing the rounds in the UK, I lost 22lbs in two weeks.

Worrying about a few pounds in ONE week is completely pointless.