View Full Version : Doctor checking nodes vs HA sufferer checking nodes

10-11-18, 13:03
Hi all :D
So, I’m just posting this to show that this deep crazy neck prodding in search of lymph nodes is not right. Went to the doctor yesterday as I have some tonsil discomfort and a few nodes I would describe 2 of them as really really soft and movable and the other as round pea sized or a bit bigger and another new one on my jaw line that feel like part of a hoop on my jaw bone ? long and not wide. Well let’s just say the exam was nothing like what we lymph node obsessed people do :lac: he was trying to feel but very very lightly he even asked me to move to a lower chair so he could get a better feel but found nothing. I was like yeah but they are there forsure, his response was honestly if after all that I haven’t found anything it’s not of concern and it’s not prominent. He checked my groin and underarms basically kinda deep tapping but quickly. He knew where I was going with this lol and said if your concerned about cancers honestly they are almost always very very prominent so it’s highly unlikely. He also said if you want to see an ent specialist go ahead but everything looks absolutely normal to me. So that tells us 2 things, don’t prod your neck deep as heck and if a primary sends you to a specialist don’t freak out because seems like even if they see your “issues” as normal or don’t see your issues at all they will offer to refer you for your own peace of mind if you keep asking or seemed really concerned.