View Full Version : I don’t know what to think

10-11-18, 13:27
Bare with me bc this could get long.

Last October I was getting in the shower and noticed an indentation in my right breast. I went through all the routine tests, mammogram, ultrasound, and physical exams and everyone I saw just said it was lazy ligaments. I’ve been to a breast specialist twice now and she agreed with the lazy ligaments diagnosis. The last time I saw her was in August.

Fast forward to about a month ago when my breast begam to ache, not cyclical breast pain, but every day of the month. And only the right one. I feel like my indentation looks bigger and the breast looks slightly smaller. I also have an area at the top of my breast that looks slightly and I mean very slightly darker than the rest, about the size of a 50 cent piece. Could it be a bruise that happens with breast cancer?!

I also keep getting an intermittent tingly feeling in the right lower lip which has me panicking that it’s numb Chin syndrome from a possible tumor in my breast that they haven’t found that has traveled to a nerve, meaning I only have months to live.

My latest symptom started last night and it’s several lumpy spots around my right bottom ribs that are very sore to touch. I’m terrified. I did look up something called dercums disease which is pretty much painful lipomas under the skin. So that may be a possibility??? I have lupus so that may have something to do with that issue? I don’t know.

I will go to the doctor on Monday but I need some advice and thoughts until then. I’m gonna lose my mind these next couple of days! I just don’t know why everything is happening on my right side. Is it all related or just coincidence? My anxiety is through the roof!!:weep: