View Full Version : Blood in pee and burning

10-11-18, 18:24
Hi everyone,

Ok... So big confession... I've had slightly burning pee for coming up to two years. When I first had it I was pregnant and so got checked out (cytology, ultrasound). All ok and told whatever it was would get better when my babies (twins) came out. It hasn't. It's stayed the same but between one thing and another I never had any further checks. Fast forward to two weeks ago and a urine test at the GP came back positive for blood only. And again a week later. Not on my period etc. Sample has been sent for analysis but GP says he doesn't think it's a UTI.

Now my anxiety is kicking off because I've left it so long and it's just by chance they did a dipstick test. Anyone else had blood and burning??? I'm trying thrush pessaries at the moment but they're definitely not working.


11-11-18, 10:09
Thank you for replying. Have you needed antibiotics every time? What worries me a bit is that I've had it on and off for two+ years! I think I do need to try antibiotics as the clotrimazole is definitely not working.

13-11-18, 15:36
So today I went back to the doctors to do another urine sample. I still have blood in my pee. The urine culture came back negative. Not an infection. I'm still having burning and other weird symptoms. The GP will call me back this afternoon to discuss what to do next. I'm feeling quite worried... not panicky... but genuienly concerned. I have two toddlers at home and my husband is abroad at the moment. Worried.

13-11-18, 17:03
I had something similar for ages: lower tummy pain, burning when peeing, dip tests showing blood but nothing else, needing to go etc. Had a load of dip tests and urine cultures came back clean. Tested and treated for thrush: nothing. Even had an ultrasound on my bladder, womb and ovaries: nothing. After begging my gp for help and having looked online which suggested I could need a swab done, it turns out that I had a low grade case of BV which was causing the problems! Weeks worth of clindamycin gel and it was all sorted!