View Full Version : Fear of cancer

10-11-18, 22:30
Why oh why do i think every little symptom i have is cancer ? Has anyone been cured of this phenomenon? PLUS i have an additional fear of going to the doctor to get anything checked out. It’s just so difficult to live with this! I am constantly scanning for symptoms too! Any advice??

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10-11-18, 22:37
No advice here but wanted to say youre not alone. Every headache, every ache and pain... and its cancer. The moment I get up in the morning I start thinking Ive got every cancer going. Its tiring

11-11-18, 00:16
have you had anyone close (family etc), pass away from this dreaded disease? I have lost both grandparents (and if it counts, my dog), from it and I'm pretty certain their passing triggered my health anxiety ever since, as I never used to worry about anything healthwise until that point - now every little twinge or pain gets the fear of impending doom as far as I am concerned, its debilitating to say the least

11-11-18, 10:12
I can't say I've been cured (I wouldn't be on here if I was!) But CBT has helped enormously.... Before I would have full on panic attacks, be unable to move etc because of anxiety. Now I have "worries" that I manage... I can function despite them, and they are only a couple of times a year rather than relentless. Xxx

11-11-18, 11:06
I have no advice regarding this. But yes you're not alone. I have been convinced I've got a brain tumour/on the verge of developing one for 7 years now (nearly) and counting.

11-11-18, 12:27
Thank you for your replies and yes, Mark, my mother died of cancer several years ago and since then it has been worse but i have had the fear my whole life since i was about 13. It is SO tiring .

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12-11-18, 12:22
Hi there, you sound exactly like me mine started when I was 13, same fear as you, also don’t like going to the Drs, if you need to talk I’m here xxx