View Full Version : Spit out a mosquito...

11-11-18, 13:46
Hi, so I can’t remember the timeline of all of this exactly as I didn’t pay much attention to it all at first, but a couple days ago I spit out something brown in my sink, I think it was dark in the room at the time so I didn’t really pay attention to it, I just figured it was some leftover food stuck in the area I got my tooth pulled from about a week ago.

However yesterday I was wondering why the thing I spit out was stuck on my sink despite repeatedly rinsing the sink and noticed it was a mosquito. I have no idea how it got in my mouth or whether it was still alive when it first got in my mouth but I’m pretty sure it was stuck where my tooth was recently pulled, maybe it sucked out some blood from where the tooth was pulled.

So now, I felt a little weak out of nowhere, not sure how much of it’s imagined, but I’m scared its somehow connected to the mosquito. How possible do you think it is that I got some disease from it? Currently stopping myself from googling ”malaria symptoms” or whatever. If anyone has any ideas please respond, I’m trying not to visit the health center again.

Ps. I don’t know if its worth noting but I also didn’t brush my teeth for about a day after I spit out the mosquito as I’m having some issues with my water, now I’m scared that I caught a disease from the mosquito and it had time to spread all over my mouth as I didn’t brush my teeth instantly after.

11-11-18, 15:10
You're in Finland, right?

Mosquitos in Finland don't carry malaria.