View Full Version : Does Everyone With Panic Get Dizzies ?

27-08-07, 10:56
how many of us suffer with dizzy spells...:shrug: .

27-08-07, 11:13
I feel dizzy a lot of the time and when it happens it feels like i'm going to fall or the floor is coming up to hit me:blush:

I find it's not only when i feel panicky but also if i've not had much sleep, also i think some of it may be due to menopause in my case, 48 now but started early menopause at 39 and it's NO FUN:lac:

(oh what it is to be a woman :D feeling sorry for myself now ):flowers:

27-08-07, 11:18
oooo nanny, Im 39 now, so i have it all to look forward to (sigh).

27-08-07, 23:02
yep i get the dizzies
then next the sweats and thenthe panic attacks
the worst of it is,is that i know whats coming but cant prventit

27-08-07, 23:20
Yep - dizziness is my biggest panic symptom. Then the others come with it - sweating, shaking, flushing, tingling hands etc. It's amazing really how bloomin' faint it can make you feel.

27-08-07, 23:28
lol mirry wait till 40 comes ..i get dizzy usually when im very nervous in a situation..............as a child at the age of 2 i had dizzy spells where i passed out all the time.i went to the childrens hospital they ran all test.....nothing thay said....im told by my older sister it was cause i wanted attention....whatever the hell she means by that ..........

28-08-07, 10:01
lol Linda, wouldnt it be good if it was just for attention .

What Im trying to work out is , do I have a inner ear problem ?
It makes me wonder , alot of us on here may actually have a inner ear disorder and not know it.

Ive been doing correct breathing techniques when i go into stressful situations yet the dizzieness still comes ????

I have a ENT appointment on Monday to see what they think.

28-08-07, 10:14
I get the dizzies just before the panic sets in and then again right in the middle of it. I have, like a lot of people on here, throat problems. Since the throat, ears and nose are all connected it may well have something to with it as there are an awful lot of people with nasal problems (sinusitis etc) who suffer too. Just a thought.

Bri x

miss motown
28-08-07, 22:37
dizzy from the minute i wake and its with me most of the day

29-08-07, 10:27
has any one had their ears checked at ENT ?

29-08-07, 14:38
I feel dizzy and lightheaded most of the time and its the symptom i hate the most, which is the reason i probably get it so much

Trac xxxx

29-08-07, 16:31
Trac, how long have you had the dizzies ?
Mine started before my panic attacks started .

07-09-07, 01:15
I get dizzy and sometimes feel off balance.. I get ear pressure a lot, I used to think there was something wrong with them so I went to the doctors and there's nothing wrong with them. :S bit strange that panic and anxiety affect ears..

07-09-07, 07:29
john , did you go to your usual gp about your ears ?

I kept seeing my gp and others for years and got told theres nothing wrong , only to be told this week by the hospital audiologist that there is something wrong ! I have a verstibular disorder of the inner ear. They run tests that highlight the problem.

If you are suffering alot then I would recommend having the tests to rule out anything, and they give excersizes to do to help.

07-09-07, 10:11
Yeah, I seen my usual GP about it. I think I'll try get those tests so atleast I'll know if there is or isn't something wrong with them. Thanks :)

08-09-07, 11:54
Hi mirry
I think you know all about me already and we have the same problem!
My dizziness started before the panic attacks and anxiety. It still remains two years on (nearly).

I always think mine is related to my eyes being all wrong, although the optician says nothing is wrong but I have the feeling they don't work together properly and it is even worse when I am tired.


09-09-07, 23:44
I get it occassionally, but not much. I've been diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, but I don't get a lot of physical symptoms. I hear people talking about headaches and fast heartbeats and stuff, but my problem is more worrying, obsessing, etc. Does that make me weird? Lol.

10-09-07, 11:16
Beadbabe, your correct the eyes are connected with your balance system, I have to do Vestibular therapy , its a form of exercises using the eyes to strenthen the inner ears, I think it would be worth giving them ago. Ive only been doign them for a week so its early days , can take 3 months to feel better apparently.

paula no your not weird , its good you dont get too many symptoms , you should make a good recovery , with some CBT and mindfulness .

10-09-07, 14:11
Yep like most of people on here get the off balance feeling all day and every day, wish I could pass it on to someone I dislike. See how they cope with it.

10-09-07, 16:13
Me too, Ive had all the tests done but have convinced myself that as I tend to focus on that symptom the most (cos its there mostly all the time) then that is the one symptom that refuses to go!
Keep practising the mindfullness x:flowers:

13-09-07, 14:29
I get dizzies from when i wake up i feel like i'm going to pass out i go all light headed and some times it feels like my head is not a part of my body i have had my ears looked at and my eyes and both are fine


17-09-07, 15:22
Hi everyone,

I get dizzy lots but I recently read that anti-depressants can be the cause, which I am on and I know are prescribed lots of anxiety problems...

Doesn't make it any nicer but at least there may be an 'external' reason.

Lucy -x-

20-09-07, 14:53
I have been told by my specialist that this is what i am suffering with , due to an inner ear disorder of some sort (awaiting futher tests) so if you feel
this also describes you please copy this out and show your gp, I suffered for 5 years with this and was told its just anxiety, well yes I have anxiety and panic because of this !!!

This review deals with two syndromes, oscillopsia and visual vertigo. Visual vertigo should not be confused with oscillopsia. It can be defined as dizziness provoked by visual environments with large size (full field) repetitive or moving visual patterns. Patients with visual vertigo report discomfort in supermarkets and when viewing movement of large visual objects, eg crowds, traffic, clouds or foliage, car-chase scenes in films. Symptoms are aggravated by looking at moving or repetitive images. In visual vertigo, the trigger is visual but the symptom is of a vestibular kind, ie dizziness,vertigo, disorientation and unsteadiness. The symptoms of visual vertigo develop after a vestibular insult. A typical patient is a previously asymptomatic person who suffers an acute peripheral disorder, eg. a vestibular neuritis, and that after an initial period of recovery of a few weeks, he/she discovers that the dizzy symptoms do not fully disappear.

Patients may also develop anxiety or frustration because symptoms do not go away (in spite of doctors telling them that they will!) or because medical practitioners tend to disregard, or are unfamiliar,with this syndrome.

The treatment of patients with the visual vertigo syndrome requires specific measures for the underlying vestibular disorder, eg Meniere’s disease, BPPV, migraine. In addition to treating the underlying condition, all patients should be offered general vestibular rehabilitation with a suitably trained audiologist or physiotherapist. These exercise-based programmes can be either generic, like the original Cawthorne-Cooksey approach or, preferably, customised to the patient’s needs. All regimes involve progressive eye, head and whole body movements (bending, turning) as well as walking exercises. The aim is to promote desensitisation and increase tolerance to stimuli.

21-09-07, 15:35
hi i get light headed and feel a bit floaty nearly every day and most of the day

04-10-07, 12:31
Agreeing with the post above, I used to get a visually stimulated vertigo. Luckily i've overcome my panic attacks but when i WAS having them on a very regular basis, yes - i would walk around feeling lightheaded and dizzy much of the day. It's a very common symptom i later found out. I too saw an ENT thinking something was wrong with me. It's all part of the irrational fear that comes with the territory of a high anxiety personality. Glad to ear others have experienced the same.


04-10-07, 13:58
I get severe dizziness when I panic (which thankfully is not often nowadays), but I tend to feel lightheaded/off balance when I've done too much in the day or the day before and is a sign I need to take a break for a couple of hours.

04-10-07, 23:27
the problem is why what happens with your mind and body to prevent them

07-10-07, 05:18
how many of us suffer with dizzy spells...:shrug: .

I feel dizzy and unbalaced most part of the day.

beh tong (http://behtong.blogspot.com)

11-01-08, 10:42
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_7.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZKxdm099YYGB) i get the dizzies most days,i was sent to the ent for tests,and let me tell you all it was horrible,i laid on a couch and the lights were turned right down,i had water poured into my ears and lights were shone on the ceiling and this disorients you,then they asked me to count backwards then forewards whilst making these lights flash on and off,my ears were full of water and i started to panic which made everything worse,this lasted about 20 minutes and all the time they kept putting more water in my ears,aand asking me to do sums.well by the time they had finished i was well and truly woozy,anyway thet said i had vertigo,and that was that.i went home with some stemetil tabs,and now i just live with it.this is just what happened to me and my story of it,please don't let me put anyone off having the procedure,i am just a cry baby,probably most people will have no problem.

http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_9_7.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZKxdm099YYGB)

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb113&pp=ZKxdm099YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb113_ZKxdm099YYGB&utm_id=7921)

11-01-08, 11:19
hi rozie, ive had the same test done and i was really calm having it done but apparently if it makes you dizzy thats good cos thats what its supposed to do to show that your balance organs are working correctly.
when i had it done it didnt make me dizzy and my results showed i have low functioning balance organs in both ears., which still doesnt mean much or indicate why:mad: . Another test you can do at home yourself (with someone with you) is the hallpike test, you lay back and turn your head to the left or right and wait 30 seconds , if you catch your eyes jumping or jerking then this usuallyis a strong indicator that you have a inner ear disorder (this is what has been found in me).

But sometimes i still doubt it , like today , i went shopping and was doing really well, then stopped to chat to people for 10 mins , then as i turned to walk away i felt my balance go and i went all light headed., then the anxiety kicked in:shrug: ,,, felt floaty all the way home.

Does anyone else get dizzy when they leave a social situation and not during it ?

11-01-08, 18:04
Hi for the past 3 days i have felt very dizzy like the floor is coming up and a bit like when you have a few to drink. I have never suffered with this before and wondered if it was to do with coming off my meds a couple of weeks ago. I have also had black floaters going across my eyes.


11-01-08, 18:12
It could be a bit of coming of the meds but most likely just another symptom of Anxiety, and you can also get visual problems with Anxiety, i have had floaters for years but i am short sighted and wear specs, but i think floaters are quite a common thing in general anyway.

12-01-08, 22:51
Sometimes when you come of med's your sypmtoms come back slightly while your body is adjusting to it (at times when i have felt well enough for my doc to stop my med's this has happened.). Being Dizzy was panic and anxiety is really bad, it makes my more anxious and i panic more because i'm scared of falling orfainting. It happened once and i broke my foot so i just freak out a little now.

14-01-08, 18:02
Yes most days I feel light headed, slightly nauseous, unsteady on my feet. Do any of you take any anti motion sickness (travel sick) pills to help with this ?

17-01-08, 11:05
I am experimenting with pills at the moment for this problem,

the one pill that seems to help me a bit is Benadryl, seems to take the edge off it.

17-01-08, 15:39
Hi Mirry

Just seen your post about the Benadryl- is that an over the counter medication and is it o.k to take with other things like Cipralex, Propropanol, Diazepan do you know ?
Glad it seems to be helping you a bit:)

17-01-08, 17:06
i asked the chemist for advice cos i take the propranalol and benadryl can be taken with that, I took some today infact:D .

22-01-08, 13:56
i've had dizziness due to anxiety, the spaced out depersonalised stuff, i also suffer vertigo, it has been a struggle to diagnose it and also to treat, vertigo is a very common thing especially in the elderly. i went through the usual tests first, they thought it was ear infection then bppv now finally to arthritis of the neck, i'm having physio and have found it is also connected with my eye movements, i never know when it is going to happen, i try to not let it rule my life, but it is getting tougher!!! some balance disorders are difficult to diagnose ,let alone treat, hope yours get sorted out

27-01-08, 09:24
Before Christmas I suffered with this dizziness for weeks! I am so thankful it is now gone

27-01-08, 10:15
Hey Redjeff , I have got my diagnosis at last ,,,
Miraine assocaited vertigo , causes dizziness and unbalance without the headache,,, I know its hard to believe but check this out ..........


I believe alot of us on here are suffering with this condition but do not know it. Yet its never mentioned on this site ??? I always read about thyroid or hormones or diabeties ,, but this is the number one cause and most gps do not even know about it !
Luckily I am under a super specialist in audiology who knows his stuff.

28-01-08, 10:24
When all this first came on me, it was the dizzyness that was the main problem, which in turn stopped me from going out. I havent had a dizzy spell in about 8 years, but Im still agoraphobic......oh well lol

14-02-08, 21:59
Does anyone feel dizzy/off balance even when not having a panic attack or feeling anxious? I do and it freaks me out a bit!! XxX

Kim Baker
14-02-08, 23:03
Hi! Lisa,

I feel the "Dizzies" for no apparent reason too......

I work in a busy supermarket on an express till and sometimes at least once a day i will feel light-headed. I think it is because i am stressed!

When this happens I visualize myself on a sandy beach, walking in the sand, watching the waves and feeling water on my toes and do deep breathing.....

I have confided in my Manager - telling her that if i suddenly sit on the floor and ring my bell she will know why - that is a comfort in itself.

It is so comforting to know I am not alone with this and that there are many peeps who also suffer from his symptom.

When I find a cure - i will be straight on here with it:)

Kim X

14-02-08, 23:55
Me Too Get Dizzies X

19-03-08, 11:04
I suffer from anxiety attacks but have never felt dizzy, but yesterday morning as I set off to take my children to school I felt like I was sinking into the ground - it was a horrible panicky feeling.:scared15:

16-04-08, 20:04

I get dizzy too. I do it as I shallow breath due to the anxiety and the scary thinking. It is sometimes so bad that I stop breathing for a few seconds when feeling really anxious then I panic cause I'm dizzy. Just now when feeling a bit better I realise I'm doing it and breath slowly in for 6 and out for 10 as its the carbon dioxide levels in my body that are low and this helps within a few breaths.

Its a killer with a virus that makes you dizzy though as I don't know if I'm hyperventilationg or its the bug. THen the panic is much worse. I'm so glad I don't have labrythitis or vertigo that would be the end of outside for me.

Love Hazel xx:yesyes:

18-04-08, 10:19
When I have a full blown panic attack, I get very dizzy and feel faint..hence why I now hate going out of my own. I also get the odd spell of dizziness, when not anxious, but then I, maybe a couple of times a year, have vertigo attacks, which I have had on and off since I was 21. My mother also suffers with vertigo, so not sure if this runs in families.

22-04-08, 15:09
Hi- yep I get dizzy when I feel a panic coming on- it's usually first symptom.

05-02-09, 11:00
Yes, I do feel dizzy at times, not always though. It is not the main symtom of my PA'S

05-02-09, 16:36
I suffer from a lot of dizziness, which also makes me clumbsy too. I am sure mine is a mixture of anxiety and medications.

05-02-09, 17:07
I feel dizzy a lot of the time and when it happens it feels like i'm going to fall or the floor is coming up to hit me:blush:

I find it's not only when i feel panicky but also if i've not had much sleep, also i think some of it may be due to menopause in my case, 48 now but started early menopause at 39 and it's NO FUN:lac:

(oh what it is to be a woman :D feeling sorry for myself now ):flowers:

I sure can relate to that Nanny :)

Was told last year I was perimenopausal...I have a feeling I've been going through that for awhile but didn't know it. I read up on it and they say the premenopause is worse than menopause itself. Either way, I can't wait for it to be over!

As for the dizzies, I'm off balance most of the time anyways and it gets much worse when I'm having an attack or when my blood pressure goes up. That just happened to be about an hour ago, in fact. Was on the computer playing a game and it hit me...that old familar feeling of dizziness, scared feeling in tummy, you know how it goes. I also get very dizzy when I don't get enough sleep, as well.

Anyway, take care everyone!


05-02-09, 17:24
Hi When I get panicky, especially when I am surrounded by people in supermarkets or shopping centres I feel dizzy, it feels like my eyes are looking everywhere like if there is a danger even though everything is normal around me, I want to get rid of this, I want to be like I used to be 4 years ago before I get panic attacks, any ideas? Thanks

05-02-09, 20:46
oh yes I get every type of dizzyness and I hate it- frightens me no end. The worst tho is the sudden rushes that make me feel I will fall over and I have to hang on to something.horrible horrible sensation!!:mad:

12-02-09, 10:02
when I get a panic attack my head suddenly feels like I'm on a boat. I am dizzy most of the time, but when an attack is comming is gets much worse x

12-02-09, 13:36
how many of us suffer with dizzy spells...:shrug: .
i do, feel as if i want 2 pass out, had a bad 1 last nite, its scarin me!:shrug:

12-02-09, 13:39
i really dont like it, it frightenes me when i ave 1, feels like im avin a heart attack, i dont want 2 leave my kids and husband behind, really need help!:weep:

15-02-09, 21:10
dizziness is the symptom i suffer with most i hate it and it really scares me esp as i have 4 kids ranging from 4 weeks -7 years x

02-03-09, 11:39

I think that's what i felt the last time i had a horrible panic attack. it's a new feeling to me..but it makes me feel a bit better knowing other people have felt it too.

susan c
07-03-09, 12:48
how many of us suffer with dizzy spells...:shrug: .

Hey all,

I have been getting help with my panic attacks which I am going to talk about on a different thread but wanted to mention this on here. Part of my therapy is educating me about what is going on when I have a panic attack.

During an attack the "thinking brain" shuts down and your "reptilian brain" is the part which takes over. When people feel dizzyness it is actually the part where you are starting to come back online and this is the thing which is telling you it's going to be OK. Unfortunately I was always thinking "oh no I'm going dizzy, I'm gonna pass out" therefore making my situation worse again. The dizzy feeling is not something to fear as this is you coming down again. Since I have learned this it has made a huge difference as I stop getting a fright and stop myself going back up to a state of high anxiety again therefore stop myself having another panic attack.

Not sure if this makes sense to anyone or even if it helps but a little learning about myself and what's going on has brought me such a long way.

Take care


10-03-09, 15:37
I am dizzy 24/7.

Was diagnosed with Labyrinthitis (inner ear disorder) by my GP.

I have an ENT appointment next month.

So i started off with the dizzys, then developed panic.

I believe both of them feed off each other.

10-03-09, 17:38
:welcome: Hi had a real bad one on sat thought i be on the floor in secs. was dizzy for most of morning before, also had an inner ear disorder that is going but has bought back the panic :weep:

14-03-09, 20:40
I walk about feeling off balnce and dizzy most of the day

Oh it's horrid. I think it's just part of panic really. Hopefully I will get it under control.

I had my ears checked for vertigo. I had it when I was younger, but I'm fine now though. I think it's just part of anxiety and panic... but it's scary when it hits you.

24-03-09, 10:05
I used to get dizzy alot of the time. But now it comes in small waves. For example i can be walking around town with no problem, then all of a sudden i get light headed and dizzy for a few seconds, then I am ok again and this will happen a few times while i am out.


24-03-09, 11:31
I very rarely feel dizzy unless I'm uber-panicky, in which case my breathing rhythm has changed and I sometimes get tingly and light headed. Dizziness can be caused by a huge variety of things, ear infection, tiredness, concentrating too hard, worry, stress, not eating properly, lack of sleep and so on.

26-03-09, 15:21
oh my god i get this its the worst freaks me right out

28-03-09, 14:56
i most of the time wake up dizzy iam almost getting used to it ..but when i woke up this moring i felt realy bad dizzy were it felt like i couldnt hold my head up has anyone felt like this

29-03-09, 12:13
Mirry So did mine? Thats what started my anxiety I think. Do you think its the menopause?


11-05-09, 19:52
I have the dizzies too, have done for years along with my panic and anxiety. What's amazing though is when I say to any doctor about this, they never link it to the anxiety at all. Sometimes, my dizziness is like severe vertigo and I cannot get out of bed.

I had an MRI brain scan a few months back, I've been back for the results and the neurologist showed me my scan and said it was normal, I asked him if it could be anxiety making me dizzy he didn't agree or disagree, just sent me on my way.

Coming to this site has made me realise it really, really is anxiety that makes me dizzy. I thought it was just me, but it's a heck of a lot of people by the look of it.

23-08-09, 21:31
yep .... dizziness most of the day ...I agree to that the menopause dosnt help :-(

23-08-09, 21:38
the dizzy spell is just the blood vessels in the brain constricting - there is a temporary reduction in blood flow. i'd say most of us get it- but its not that important. instead of dwelling on negative and uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety i try to forgot and realise, if i dont think negative thoughts , i wont get the anxiety half as much.


23-08-09, 21:41

23-08-09, 22:17
Hi for the past 3 days i have felt very dizzy like the floor is coming up and a bit like when you have a few to drink. I have never suffered with this before and wondered if it was to do with coming off my meds a couple of weeks ago. I have also had black floaters going across my eyes.


24-08-09, 05:39
That's often the first sign that anxiety/panic is not far behind for me. I get dizzy, wonder why I'm getting dizzy and then I brace myself.

24-08-09, 08:05
I've just joined and this was the first topic that I was drawn to and oh what a relief to find I'm not the only one suffering these awful symptoms.

I've got to the point where I have severe depression, I wake in the morning and the lightheadedness begins, the thoughts that rush round in my brain I just have no control over. Then the dizziness and irregular heart beat starts. I'm so exhausted with all this as I've had it now for 2 years.

Like someone else said I've been seen by the ENT consultant, had a CT scan of my head, balancing tests which I too had to say STOP as I started feeling really sick and dizzy at what they were doing.

The huge problem I have is that virtually all meds I can't take due to severe side effects. I'm under the care of the Mental Health but I'm not finding they're any help to me at all because I can't take meds and they seem at a loss to know what to do with me.

They've sent me on 2 courses, Coping with your Emotions and Anxiety Management and sorry but both were totally rubbish. Even they agreed they weren't the courses for me.

So I feel a bit like a loose canon. No meds, every day is such a struggle and yes I really do feel like I'm losing my mind. :(

06-09-09, 10:52
well as long as we dont all meet up,,,can you imagine all leaving the building all hanging on to things like grim deaf and swaying,,,any onlookers will think we,re right lushes:roflmao:

06-09-09, 17:07
Teez, thank you for the above post. I am fairly new to this anxiety/panic stuff and have been spending most of my days recently being dizzy or lightheaded, making me feel really down. But your post put a vision in my head which made me laugh out loud, something I've not done for a long time. Wheneveri start getting dizzy and panicky again I shall picture what you said and it'll cheer me up!

07-09-09, 12:25
Oh yes the good old dizzies

One of the worst things with anxiety for me
I used to think it was because

1. Not enough sleep
2. Not eating regularly
3. High Blood pressure
4 Low blood pressure
5. Diabeties
6. Hypoglycema
5. Brain Tumor

Now i accept its just Anxiety and by accepting it it has reduced the severity

Hang on in there


15-07-10, 16:59
Yes had ears checked at the ENT dept a couple of times and nothing wrong at all. So got to assume the dizziness is anxiety but its horrible to live with.

15-07-10, 18:32
i had mine checked last wk all ok had a brain scan to all ok but i do get acid reflux had a sore throat for 8 wks had to have a cam up my nose down my throat and had to be put to sleep for a biopsy scary time as i smoke i can tell u but it was acid reflux im on tabs now but i do cough all the time with it like Flem stuck in my throat may be it does affect the ears as well who knows i also wonder if its because i don't wear my glasses

16-07-10, 13:44
yes, nothing. Im told its anx!

19-07-10, 01:04
I get dizzy all of the time. Sometimes I get dizzy spells where the room will spin for a minute or so and I'll feel really scared when it's happening or I'll feel dizzy off balance on and off throughout the day, everyday mostly. It started after my first panic attack. Gets better sometimes but never fails to come back with a bang.

19-07-10, 10:59
I get dizzy and light headed 24/7, always worst in a morning. It can be not too bad sometimes, but it is always there. It is making me a bit agraphobic but I keep forcing myself to get out and do things, although it is hard as the fear surfaces when I go out, 'Im going to pass out, Im going to fall' etc etc.
Not nice at all! Been referred to ENT as have had throat probs for years (just had tonsils out), and I have a horrible swooshing noise in left ear which surgeon said needs looking into.
I hope and pray that it proves to be an ent prob as I could maybe get a cure.... if not at least I will know that its anxiety and will just have to get on with it!

11-09-10, 02:28
I also am dizzy most of the time due to anxiety. Been to an ENT, Balance Lab, had an MRI. Makes me crazy. Seems like grocery stores or malls cause it to be magnified; I think it has to do with the lighting or the amount of people moving at once? I also get night time panic attacks where I wake up in the middle of the night tingling, feeling of dread and dizziness. Causes straight panic as I feel that something is really wrong with me like my heart or something, takes a while for me to realize what it is to calm down.