View Full Version : Thyroid Cancer and Nodules Scared - Please Help :(

12-11-18, 08:07
Hi everyone,

I have always had a huge ass neck as a child and since I am not highly overweight, it is more evident. So anyway last year I was encouraged by my GP to just take a thyroid ultrasound which OFCOURSE revealed I had a goitre with multiple small nodules and one prominent cystic nodule approx 6-7 mm.

Anyway there wasn't anything majorly concerning as such and I just had to do a follow up ultrasound which I did in May and ofcourse a new nodule popped up with calcification, ill defined borders AND vascularity but it was 7 mm so we could not do a biopsy. Ofc I freaked out and cried for days but the doctors despite all these characteristics were not concerned at all and told me to relax and come back in 6-12 months.

I had an xray in late july and the entire time I kept thinking what if cancer had gone from my thyroid to my lungs. On top of that I have recently developed acid reflux and have been prodding my neck excessively resulting in soreness.

My entire gland is swollen so they suspect thyroditis but TSH levels are normal (3.62) so they won't do anything yet. I began taking selenium and magnesium supplements which have taken the swelling down a bit.

My follow up appointment is due next week and I am freaking out....I don't want to do any biopsy or surgery and I am so so scared. Is there anyone with nodules who had a positive outcome with nodules similar to mine? When I read online my nodule sounds dangerous but why are the doctors so complacent about it? I am seriously considering just cutting this out of my neck because I can't take these follow up scans and anxiety.

I am so so scared because I am just not a strong person in these matters....my family is fed up of me and so is my boyfriend because how much can they console me if it doesn't work. They think I am overreacting. Any positive stories will make me feel better!

PS: I am 27

12-11-18, 08:41
I have 3 nodules-2 being 3cm and the other 1cm. I had biopsies and they are all benign. I am scanned every 6 months but had no significant growth at my scan last week.

I reckon that's a positive story? Your doctors aren't worried-that's very positive too.

12-11-18, 08:45
I have 3 nodules-2 being 3cm and the other 1cm. I had biopsies and they are all benign. I am scanned every 6 months but had no significant growth at my scan last week.

I reckon that's a positive story? Your doctors aren't worried-that's very positive too.

That is positive indeed! Did your nodules ever grow or grow minimally? I guess I am scared because of the characteristics of my nodule which seem to be cancerous. I think because I have thyroiditis the doctors think that could explain why my nodule seems suspicious.

12-11-18, 08:54
You read online that the characteristics were suspicious though..Your doctors don't agree with Dr Google! Dr Google isn't able to assess your particular nodule but your doctors can.

12-11-18, 14:36
Hello I am going through something similar I recently noticed my thyroid is swollen and when I tilt my head back and swallow there is a really clear lump! Being sent for a scan and I'm so worried about it. Hope all goes well with you!

12-11-18, 16:50
The heart palpitations and enlarged thyroid may indicate an overactive thyroid but the blood tests would clarify this. I know it's easy for me to say but try not to panic and think the worst? I got a telephone call from the hospital to arrange my ultrasound within hours of leaving the GP's and everything was benign (I have 3 large nodules). My thyroid blood tests were normal.

14-11-18, 06:45
You read online that the characteristics were suspicious though..Your doctors don't agree with Dr Google! Dr Google isn't able to assess your particular nodule but your doctors can.

Yeah you're right - still so hard not to Google. I am spending time with friends till my appointment so my mind doesn't wander to the worst possible outcome.

---------- Post added at 10:45 ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 ----------

Hello I am going through something similar I recently noticed my thyroid is swollen and when I tilt my head back and swallow there is a really clear lump! Being sent for a scan and I'm so worried about it. Hope all goes well with you!

Yes me too, my thyroid is pretty huge but diffusely so. Its entirely enlarged but apparently the left side is slightly bigger than the right, not sure if this is normal.

One worrier telling another not to is kind of funny but what else can we say :hugs: . Try taking selenium and magnesium supplements, they have definitely helped my thyroid quite a bit! I have noticed, oddly enough, when I am really anxious and stressed, my thyroid starts getting bigger. I don't know if its my anxiety manifesting or if this can actually happen.

I am sure you will be just fine!

14-11-18, 10:12
I have also 2 thyroid nodules...they dont grow..i know about then since 01/2017..furst is in the longest size 11mm, second 7mm..i have biopsied both, benign.they have normal margins, are ovaly, hypoechoic, solid, one has calcification or colloid aggregates (1 dictir tells calcif, the second colloid)..i was alsi freaking out..u was at 2 doctors for the second opinion, the did US, nobody concerned.i have to do us control ls 1x year.i am trying to calm down anyway..

14-11-18, 14:12
By nodules do you mean lumps? Mine looks like a rounded lump?

14-11-18, 15:14
These nodules are nodules inside the thyroid...not lymph nodes or any othe lumps...often you cant feel them....

14-11-18, 16:21
Oh really, mine is outside of the thyroid and I can feel it on the outside of my throat, I can see it visably when I tilt my head up and swallow. Thats worrying me as I'm convinced it's thyroid cancer

14-11-18, 16:33
that will by the lymph node, i guess...

14-11-18, 17:20
I don't know😫

29-11-18, 10:35
I had a multiple nodules(which is a good sign) and one nodule with your characteristics I had a biopsy and it came up benign, then I had to take a thyroid medication to see if it went away, I didn't follow my appointments. Two years later after the medication I took for six months and all the nodules have disappeared, except the suspicious one, it hasn't grown and now appears benign, but idk? Maybe I'll do another biopsy, because it's ****ing weird that it's still there.

---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 ----------

Oh I also don't have enlarged lymph nodes and the nearby blood vessels are fine which means no spread possibly benign.

29-11-18, 11:35
Do you have solid,hypoechoic and with calcification?

30-11-18, 01:04
Yes, I do, and intrinsic vascularity, but now the borders are well defined (supposedly)

30-11-18, 03:44
I have also well defined borders, peripheral vascularity, solid, hypoechoic, one is 10mm, second 7mm...and inside or microcalcification (which is bad, often sign of malign nodule) or colloid aggregates (which is good, sign of benign nodule)..next us in the summer..many many women have nodules, and dont know that (which is better i guess:-) and we are at least controlled..

30-11-18, 08:37
Nodules won't go without surgery. The best thing to do is have them monitored regularly. Mine are quite large so I have an ultrasound every 6 months. I have faith in my endocrinologist's ability to interpret the biopsy results and don't research online myself once I have a benign result.

30-11-18, 20:19
I have 2 nodules on my left side of my thyroid and my thyroid is enlarged as well. I have a family history of thyroid c. (my Dad) so I get a scan every year of my thyroid. So far the Dr. isn't concerned about them. I see an endo. every 6 months.

01-12-18, 01:59
I had an enlarged thyroid on the right side of my neck. After numerous scans and blood tests The ENT doctor I was sent to for 6 months,made the decision to remove the thyroid. Had the operation last March and am now fully recovered. Yeah it’s a scary process to go through,but that being said it was the thing to do.

12-12-18, 11:17
I had an enlarged thyroid on the right side of my neck. After numerous scans and blood tests The ENT doctor I was sent to for 6 months,made the decision to remove the thyroid. Had the operation last March and am now fully recovered. Yeah it’s a scary process to go through,but that being said it was the thing to do.

Did they biopsy the thyroid? Was it benign?

My scans are scheduled for tomorrow, i am freaking out and unable to focus on work. Going to be the longest day ever. Just hoping for no change or a miraculous disappearance of these damn things.

13-12-18, 11:02
Update: nodule is stable but doc has recommended to get it out as the thyroid in general is increasing in size and due to being so young, developing nodules can be risky. He said if it is cancer it is small (microcarcinoma)