View Full Version : Numb one side of tongue and mouth

12-11-18, 12:54
I do suffer with health anxiety and have done for quite sometime without being totally aware of it.
Lost my hearing in my right ear last year which increased my HA.
For sometime now I have been suffering with a numbess feeling on right side of tongue, mouth which can lead to the jaw and sometimes face.
I do clench my teeth alot which has resulted in me wearing a mouth splint at night.
I'm not sure if this causes this problem or not. I worry about all neurological problems.
Sometimes I feel very conscious how I'm talking which I feel affects my speech and makes my mouth and tongue feel uncomfortable.
Any one else experienced something similar?

13-08-19, 22:24
I have numbness in my mouth, under my tongue, and on my lips, but in my case it's on both sides of my mouth. How are you doing now, Sophie? Do you still have this numbness?