View Full Version : Leg pain/DVT fear - So scared. Help

12-11-18, 18:10
Hi all,

So my health anxiety is on full form lately due to my current symptoms which are:

1. Achy/Tender/Tight pain in calf, back of thigh and going up to my butt on that side.
2. Pangs of pain in the calf that when I try and massage out feel sore to touch.
3. Calf hurts when I bend over or put pressure on that side

I am so, so scared that I have a blood clot/DVT that will dislodge and kill me immediately. I don't have any swelling, my legs are only tiny and skinny so I'd know about it if I did. I don't have any discoloration and the pain hasn't progressed. It's pretty much stayed the same. But I read that sometimes DVT's present as pain in the leg only.

I'm female, 26, small framed, blood pressure always around 116/72. Never been on the pill. No family history of blood clots. However, I'm in the process of searching for a job so I'm spending a lot of time sitting down on the laptop. I'm also a light smoker which are both contributing factors to DVT.

Just so scared, and this fear is taking over everything I do...

27-12-18, 17:05
I have this fear also ! :(

27-12-18, 17:52
Hi all,

So my health anxiety is on full form lately due to my current symptoms which are:

1. Achy/Tender/Tight pain in calf, back of thigh and going up to my butt on that side.
2. Pangs of pain in the calf that when I try and massage out feel sore to touch.
3. Calf hurts when I bend over or put pressure on that side

I am so, so scared that I have a blood clot/DVT that will dislodge and kill me immediately. I don't have any swelling, my legs are only tiny and skinny so I'd know about it if I did. I don't have any discoloration and the pain hasn't progressed. It's pretty much stayed the same. But I read that sometimes DVT's present as pain in the leg only.

I'm female, 26, small framed, blood pressure always around 116/72. Never been on the pill. No family history of blood clots. However, I'm in the process of searching for a job so I'm spending a lot of time sitting down on the laptop. I'm also a light smoker which are both contributing factors to DVT.

Just so scared, and this fear is taking over everything I do...

As someone whom is high risk of clot, I can tell you nothing you said sounds like a clot. If you had a clot, it would be red, warm to the touch and ypu would not be able to walk. I see a vein specialist, and the symptoms of a clot are not subtle. I am not a smoker and am at risk of a clot

28-12-18, 10:24
I’m going through the exact same thing right now, it’s not nice. I keep reminding myself of the obvious though, like utrocket09 has said, it would be swollen and warm, etc.

I’m starting to think mine is hormone related as I’m due to come on any time now? Who knows! The body does strange things when it comes to the menstrual cycle.

I hope you’re feeling a bit better x x

28-12-18, 11:41
I know dvt’s are scary as we all hear horror stories of people having no symptoms however we hear about them because it’s very rare not to have at least one symptom. The drs tend to check for seeeling (you can measure both your calves, don’t worry if they are 1/2 an inch different that’s normal) nice soft squishy calves, redness, warmth, discolouration, and pointing the toes up to see if it brings on the pain. I have had terrible inner calf/thigh pain since Xmas eve on and off, it’s really bad today but I have no obvious symptoms of a dvt except pain. I’m just going to keep an eye on it, but I’m sure it’ll be a muscle or something. I am also a smoker but it doesn’t mean I’m going to get a dvt nor does it you. There are many more people at risk, pregnant women for one, which I’ve been 3 times and have never had one. Try and relax and take your mind of it hun xx