View Full Version : Almost there but not quite

13-11-18, 19:01
Hi all, so I havent posted for a couple of weeks as my medication has started to kick in, no way near as anxious, but I feel like I’m stuck and can’t quite accept that I’m fine, quick recap so hadn’t been taking medication properly, and eight weeks ago I decided to freak out about some stretchmarks that dent slightly in certain lighting on my left boob, which I know have been there for quite a while, I just can’t seem to draw a line under this, I still check a couple of times a day but no where near as much as I did and my mind isn’t occupied with it constantly like it was a few weeks back, but like I say I just can’t let this completely go yet, I’m hoping this is just part of the process, I’m sure it is as I’ve been through this a few times, anyway if anyone has some good advice how to get over this last part I would be grateful xxx

14-11-18, 14:48
Anyone xx

14-11-18, 14:50
Now that the meds are kicking in and your mind is calming down, you're in a place where you can focus on addressing the lingering thoughts. Look into real life therapy and/or CHECK THIS OUT. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211324)

Positive thoughts

14-11-18, 18:07
Thank you for your reply I will have a read tonite xxx

14-11-18, 18:18
From personal experience.
Had heart anxiety. Completely debilitating. Almost left me housebound. More visits to A&E than I can mention.
Eventually got it under control with medical help. Now working on the last few steps. Keep talking to medical team. On the bad days remember the good ones. It's slow, bit we will both get there.
Support from friends helps, so does a supportive medical team.

14-11-18, 18:24
Thank you, I just can’t shake that fear what if, I know this is the process I’ve been through before, I’ve looked back on some of my old post and can see a pattern, but it’s almost like I’m on pause or like a stuck record that can’t get past this fear, don’t get me wrong there’s a massive improvement, but trying to convince myself that what I have is my normal and just from aging and having 2 children seems to be the hardest part, because I almost feel normal but still have this nagging doubt, if you get what I mean xxxx