View Full Version : Constant feeling of having to go to the bathroom

13-11-18, 21:32
This year has been a nightmare for me. I know I have Health Anxiety and I also know that I have to go see someone about it. I had pan-can feels in April, had multiple symtoms and pain got worst so doctor ordered a CT scan, found nothing but a small ulcer in stomach (she thought maybe diverticulitis but clear of that). I still take anti acids and have been good since then. Well not really good as in I convinced myself I had a few other things and have done a few tests, everything always negative. Recently had a blood test and all good, urine test, all good (I have to get my blood checked every 6 months because I have MGUS).

So about a few months ago I had some blood when I wiped. Next day was gone. Then a month later happened again, this time a bit more and a couple dropplets in the toiled and some in the TP, my butt was hurting right after and I thought maybe hemroid or fisure. It hurts internal and external for a couple of days but after a few days blood was gone. Then a couple of weeks ago when I wiped and was barely traces of it. Now clear for a couple of weeks but new symtom and of course one of colon cancer.

I feel like I have to go to the bathroom all day long. Some days get better, others feel worst. I do think about it all day, its in my head, all day everyday. My stomach has also been feeling weird, a lot of gas and just weird. My stool has been fine, was flat here and there but when I upped intake of fiber it has been good. I have been eating pretty crappy.

This is driving me crazy, I go fine and will go once or twice, sometimes 3 times since I feel like I need to but then feels like I have to go again.

I am going to schedule a gastro appointment for next week but was wondering if anyone has had similar symtoms? I am 34 so colon cancer not high on the list but of course from 0-10 I always go 10, health anxiety is the worst.

I am also going to schedule a therapist because even if this is nothing, I can't be doing this every single month.

13-11-18, 22:31
My experience has been whenever I'm super anxious I have to go constantly. It's evolutionary, you get ready to run, your body wants to get lighter. Once I calm myself down everything (gastro-wise) goes back to normal. Go see the doctor, that'll reassure you - but this all sounds very normal.

13-11-18, 22:37
My experience has been whenever I'm super anxious I have to go constantly. It's evolutionary, you get ready to run, your body wants to get lighter. Once I calm myself down everything (gastro-wise) goes back to normal. Go see the doctor, that'll reassure you - but this all sounds very normal.

Thanks Quack. Last time when I had the CT Scan, I had bloating (which I am having now too) and stomach pains amongst other things and as soon as CT scan came negative, 3 days, I was pain free. Also thought I had TC and went to doc, had a scan, no problem, seriously, next day I was pain free.

But of course my brain does not work this way, just now I went to see if my CT could have detected anything in the colon and of course it said, no way. So the little bit of optimism I had from that is now gone :weep:

15-11-18, 10:33
uh, appointment booked for next tuesday with my gastro. Of course been having really bad heart burn and bloated after dinner and to make matters worst, blood in toilet paper again today. Its like, goes away for a couple of weeks and returns, very faint only on wipe and hurts when I wipe.