View Full Version : HA gets worse around same date of each month??

14-11-18, 17:39
Hello, I have noticed that my HA gets worse around the same date of each month. Can be a day earlier or a day later but it gets worse around the 13th of each month and stays heavy for 2 weeks. Anyone that experiences the same? It's pretty weird.. I notice that I am starting to worry about my lymph nodes again (they are all pea sized), that they are swollen and could be cancer etc. Also I have a sore spot on the side of my tongue for some reason and now I am convinced it's the start of oral cancer. I think it's probably my health anxiety kicking in again but I wonder if anyone else can relate?

14-11-18, 17:48
Are you female?

14-11-18, 18:49
Yes I am a female, why?

14-11-18, 18:52

Really??? Female, monthly.... you’re not understanding the question? Think biology......

14-11-18, 19:30
Oh! But I don't have the monthly for another 2 weeks. So it can't be hormone related?

14-11-18, 19:46
Oh! But I don't have the monthly for another 2 weeks. So it can't be hormone related?


Positive thoughts

14-11-18, 22:15
So.. You're saying it's possible that my HA being worse around the same date can be hormone related.. Woman are officially weird. Thanks for the replies by the way!

14-11-18, 23:39
It seems the most likely cause.

14-11-18, 23:49
Yeah I def get more anxious around period, along with those lovely hormone induced heart palps (which I also get around ovulation)

15-11-18, 00:02
I'm a 27 year old female but I don't know much about hormones etc etc to be honest! Never really looked into how it all works (shame on me!)