View Full Version : Scared of Brain Tumor and Others.

15-11-18, 04:08
I am a 16 year old boy.

So I was having dinner with my family and I overheard a conversation my dad was having and he was talking about how he knew someone who had a brain tumor. This instantly got me worried and I was just thinking scenarios in my head. This also has me worried because I googled it and I have like 1 or 2 symptoms.

-For the past 3 months I have had on and off twitching that has slowly been getting better.

- I see floaters in my vision sometimes

-Rarely get headaches.


Kinda worried right now. I feel a pulse in my head as we speak and it’s getting me panicky.

Matt :/

15-11-18, 04:33
Do your parents know you worry so much about things like this?

Positive thoughts

15-11-18, 05:23
Of course. They help a lot by talking and reassuring me. It has been working. I’d say I have about 10% anxiety left in me I just have to stop worrying because I used to be much worse trust me.

I have been better but it was just that situation