View Full Version : Inside shakes and feeling heartbeat everywhere

15-11-18, 08:41
Hi all, I have not posted for a while, but struggling lately. I have been having feelings of shakiness inside but not really visible on the outside, but it痴 a real unsettling feeling as if I知 constantly edgy and jittery. I知 also feeling my heartbeat pulsing hard in my chest and other parts of my body. I知 trying to tell myself to calm down and that I知 just going through a bad cycle again, but it痴 difficult to believe myself and I知 panicking more and more. Anyone experience similar?

15-11-18, 17:15
Yup, having the exact same symptoms right now. Haven't been able to pinpoint a reason for it. The internal shakiness comes a goes, usually when Im having a particularly high amount of anxiety/panic. Also notice my digestive symptoms flare during this time too.

15-11-18, 19:44
Sorry to hear your suffering also! I notice mine whenever I lay down or sit still. Then the lightheaded and shakiness comes flooding in!

16-11-18, 20:37
I feel my heartbeat EVERYWHERE, when panicky or warm. It's a common anxiety symptom don't worry

16-11-18, 22:27
My insides are constantly on vibrate and I can also feel my heart beating away in my chest. I have been told the vibrating/shakiness is digestive upset/wind rattling around inside and as for the heartbeat, which is not nice and does freak me out! , my therapist told me to be grateful that my heart is beating and to thank it for keeping me alive. It’s easier said than done but I’m working on it..... x