View Full Version : Anyone else going through insomnia right now.

15-11-18, 14:06
For the last couple of weeks my sleeping has been really crappy. It started random, just one night when I couldn't get to sleep. Nothing unusual there, we all get that...but it went on the next night, then the next and so on....

I wake up loads of times in the night, so I never really get into deep restful sleep. I spend all night either awake or in light sleep. After two weeks of this, well you imagine his I feel.

I have nothing on my mind at all, my anxiety isn't playing up at the moment and besides so matter how bad it's been, sleep has never been an issue. It feels like the sleep switch is on malfunction.

I'm not doing anything different, nothing has changed at all, just came on suddenly and won't go away :(

Maybe I'm here for reassurance. That this is just a stage, a passing cloud that will go away eventually. You know what it's like...cue the catastrophic thinking.

The night before last I had 4 hours continual sleep and I thought wow, a corner has been turned but no last night, it was back. I don't even over worry about it when I am in bed awake, it just feels like my off switch isn't working :(

15-11-18, 15:19
I have never slept properly for as long as I can remember.

I have no magical cure I am afraid but you are not alone.