View Full Version : Black blobs in upper peripheral vision

27-08-07, 19:43
A couple of weeks ago I had my vision worries rested. My doctor said that 'curtain' (or tunnel) vision would be a worrying symtpom to look out for, one which I didn't have.

If it's my mind playing tricks on me then fine, but almost 'in response' to that, in the last week, a few days apart I've noticed one dark blob at the top of my peripheral vision. About 2 feet away they're large enough to oscure the width of a doorframe. It was once right eye, once left, then today I couldn't tell.

It only lasts about 20 seconds to half a minute then it's gone. I'm hoping it never happens again as its a worrying symptom that's only just sprung up on me. It's happened 3 times now.

28-08-07, 16:38
Hello boy,

I'm not sure what help I can offer but as I share your anxieties about vision I thought I'd reply.

I too notice all sorts of weird things going on in my eyes and earlier this year had full-on obsession about getting my eyes tested in every way possible. This was all started off by noticing new floaters which I Googled (argh!), and found out that they could predispose you to a retinal tear or detachment. Going blind is one of my MAJOR worries so of course I was panicky about this for ages until the optician had told me all was fine.

Anyway, I digress. I notice all sorts of things happening in my eyes and am not (as yet) visually impaired (touch wood). I notice floaters, little sparkles, black blobs, you name it. At the moment there is a little blob thing in my left eye that bothers me but doesn't seem to cause real problems, so probably your blobs aren't problematic either. You are most likely just really sensitive to these phenomena because of your anxiety, as I am.

The optician told me I should worry if I see:

A black curtain across my visual field
A shower of new floaters
Flashing lights
A cobweb in the visual fieldHopefully you've experienced none of these, and even if someone does, prompt treatment is successful.

I'm sure you'll be fine :hugs:

Take care,

Anna. x

29-08-07, 00:35
Ah cheers, you sounds pretty similar to me. Out of interest, what would a black curtain look like has anyone told you, as that's what I've managed to convince myself the odd 'virtual' little black patch that goes as quickly as it comes is. It's the thinking that something must be causing this, why would it just happen? If it's just anxiety then terrific, I'm working on that anyway.

29-08-07, 11:21
Hello again.

I don't really know what a black curtain would look like in reality, but I imagine that it woud literally be like having black material in front of your eye. And unlike your black patches it wouldn't go - retinal detachments that cause the curtain effect don't go away.

I am sure it's nothing to worry about, but if it persists then there's no harm in checking again with your optician.

Take care,

Anna. x

30-08-07, 13:15
[EDIT] It was due to my vision retaining the after-image of a couple of lights on my kitchen table. They'd recently been lowered, hence the symptoms being new as they wouldn't have been just out the top of my vision before.