View Full Version : horrible habits from people who do not sufer from health anxiety

15-11-18, 19:50
Hello everyone,

I have been waiting for the Colon C Screening test results ( Cologuard - DNA test). It gives me huge anxiety, i cry a lot, and I am overwhelmed with fear... A person at work today told me: Oh God, you are so pale, is there is a particular reason for that?
I literally wanted to kill her on the spot. I would not ever say anything to any person, unless I have a nice compliment for him/her. How can people be this inconsiderate and rude? Today was a relatively calm day for me, considering I may be waiting until next week to hear from the doctor,and she ruined it in a minute. I am so scared as it is, and now I am thinking that probably I am very pale, in spite of little make up, because i am more and more anemic from hidden blood loss ( I never see any traces of blood). I just do not understand - why would anybody say anything unpleasant to anybody else?:weep:

15-11-18, 19:53
Hello everyone,

I have been waiting for the Colon C Screening test results ( Cologuard - DNA test). It gives me huge anxiety, i cry a lot, and I am overwhelmed with fear... A person at work today told me: Oh God, you are so pale, is there is a particular reason for that?
I literally wanted to kill her on the spot. I would not ever say anything to any person, unless I have a nice compliment for him/her. How can people be this inconsiderate and rude? Today was a relatively calm day for me, considering I may be waiting until next week to hear from the doctor,and she ruined it in a minute. I am so scared as it is, and now I am thinking that probably I am very pale, in spite of little make up, because i am more and more anemic from hidden blood loss ( I never see any traces of blood). I just do not understand - why would anybody say anything unpleasant to anybody else?:weep:

How old are you?

15-11-18, 19:57
Why are you asking that?

I am over 50, but years ago I had early colonoscopy which was completely negative. My doctor gave ordered this test, because I would like to avoid Colonoscopy. Still, I am very scared, and I have been suffering from IBS for years...

15-11-18, 20:01
Why are you asking that?

I’m curious why you had the cologuard test? Are you at risk for colon cancer?
Many people on here pursue completely unnecessary testing because they’re convinced of illness based on google or other silly things, like an off the cuff comment about complexion.

I understand from your follow up. Is it a routine screening?

15-11-18, 20:04
In the US the doctors keep on telling you Every ten years or so, if not high risk.... I read that in Germany they claim if the first colonoscopy was completely clean, no need for 20 years or more for a new one, and some claim not ever again. It is just regular screening. But I regretted it because the anxiety is literally killing me...