View Full Version : Worried about MS or other neurological diseases

16-11-18, 04:36
Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this!

I'll get right to the point. Recently, probably the past 2-3 months or so, i've just felt ill. As the days go on it gets worse and worse I feel. It started off with just headaches (which i've had ever since I was 10, "i'm a 20 year old male") and I thought nothing of it since i've had them my whole life. Then my muscle began to feel really sore and hurt, kind of like growing pains. Then I started to feel like I was walking funny, and I would pay attention to how I would walk which I felt like made it worse. The walking has now gone away, but the muscle pain hasn't. I also feel like i've become clumsier as the days go on and most recently every time night time comes I become very nauseous. Last night I almost threw up. I threw up once before from this about 2 months ago, but it's rare if I actually vomit.

So to sum it up, I have headaches, muscle pain (mainly thigh, legs, arms), nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. I also should add I have a really bad eye twitch where I have to open my eyes wide for a few seconds, it's like a tic, and don't know if that's related or not, I developed that about 8 months ago or so.

I am a 20 year old male, I have my own business, am on the computer 75% of the day, and have a new born daughter who is 6 weeks old.
I also had some blood work done (don’t know what kind exactly) had a chest x-ray, a ct scan of the brain, and also a ultrasound of my heart (all of these were within the last 9 months) i also just got a MRI of my brain and it came negative (this was a few days ago). But I’m Just giving you some info on my life to see if this could be apart of anything.

If you respond, thank you in advanced

17-11-18, 01:51
A LOT of your symptoms are typical of anxiety. Also, your job, sittingat a computer all day, is not good for your posture, in particular, will give you neck and eye strain, especially causing headaches. It could also cause you general postural relayedu aches and pains. Nausea and sleeplessness is a sign of anxiety or depression. xxx