View Full Version : Worried about chronic cough and breathing

16-11-18, 04:52
Hey everyone,

I’ve had a chronic cough for almost a year now. I’ve done allergy tests and they said i was very allergic to dust. I also did a chest X-ray last year and had some breathing tests done to rule out asthma.

At night my cough is worse because I seem to have a lot of post nasal drip, during the day it’s a very dry cough. Some nights I feel wheeziness in my chest when I breathe. Tonight is one of those nights and I started to get panicky about it. It felt like I couldn’t take a deep breath and the wheezing was worrying me. So I got my puffer and I did a sinus rinse, but I can’t shake the feeling of a bit of pressure in the centre of my chest. Could there be something more serious happening? This cough and wheezing worries me :(

16-11-18, 06:14
Hello! I also have a chronic cough that has started to go away. Just like you I had post nasal drip and found that it was from allergies. I started taking daily allergy medicine and nasal spray and it has helped my cough a lot. Also, you had a chest x-ray. Anything with the chest that could be causing your cough is ruled out, however, you did test positive for allergies, so it is definitely that. I hope this eases your worries, as my doctor mentioned to me a chronic cough that was worrisome would come with more symptoms and get worse over time.:)

16-11-18, 07:43
Did they specify how often you should take your inhaler? If you get it every night why not try to take the inhaler before bed - day 2 puffs (if I’m right assuming it’s ventolin/salbutamol). This should clear your airways before you sleep.

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16-11-18, 16:00
Hello! I also have a chronic cough that has started to go away. Just like you I had post nasal drip and found that it was from allergies. I started taking daily allergy medicine and nasal spray and it has helped my cough a lot. Also, you had a chest x-ray. Anything with the chest that could be causing your cough is ruled out, however, you did test positive for allergies, so it is definitely that. I hope this eases your worries, as my doctor mentioned to me a chronic cough that was worrisome would come with more symptoms and get worse over time.:)

Hello! Thank you for responding :)
What kind of nasal spray were you using? I like my sinus rinse but I feel like it’s only good for the moment. Were you also wheezing? My doctor says I wheeze at night because the nasal drip go down and irritate my airways. Were you also given a puffer?
Thank you for that last comment in your post. That definitely eases my mind a bit! You’re right, the symptoms haven’t worsen and there aren’t more. I think maybe because it’s getting colder out I might be getting a cold so maybe that’s why my cough was so bad last night

16-11-18, 20:26
The ads we hear e.g. see your doctor if you have a chronic cough for more than 3 weeks is because *sometimes* it can be associated with a more serious illness. BUT, statistically, the vast majority will have nothing seriously wrong with them.

One of my colleagues always coughs. And she's young and in great shape. But, like you, its a dry cough. I actually asked her one day (after having worked with her for about two years) as to why she coughs so much. She said she didn't know, but like you, she's had the full battery of tests.

Just use your salbutamol inhaler as directed and you'll be fine.

17-11-18, 01:41
Hello! Thank you for responding :)
What kind of nasal spray were you using? I like my sinus rinse but I feel like it’s only good for the moment. Were you also wheezing? My doctor says I wheeze at night because the nasal drip go down and irritate my airways. Were you also given a puffer?
Thank you for that last comment in your post. That definitely eases my mind a bit! You’re right, the symptoms haven’t worsen and there aren’t more. I think maybe because it’s getting colder out I might be getting a cold so maybe that’s why my cough was so bad last night

I tend to wease when I’m coughing too hard, been sleeping with my head upwards lately and that seemed to fix that problem. Also, I use fluticasone nasal spray! I wasn’t given a puffer, but I am seeing an allergy specialest this Monday to hopefully pinpoint what causes my allergies. Sometimes it’s crazy to believe what allergies can cause! Also, post nasal drip can be made worse by cold dry air, so try a humidifier! I bet if you try to treat the allergies your cough will settle down.