View Full Version : Health Anxiety - Theme Park Fear

16-11-18, 16:04
I am off to Disneyland this week and I have a horrid fear eating me up.

I used to love rollercoasters and had no fear going to theme parks, but since my anxiety this has changed.

I am really worried I have some sort of un-diagnosed condition (i have had so many tests over the last few years) and going on the bigger rides will either kill me or make me very ill.

I have recently been having a few lightheaded spells so ofc my first worry is that my heart is packing up and by going on these rides, that will do me in!

I went to Disney last year and survived (biggest ride I did was Tower of Terror and although I felt a bit unwell after (think it was unrelated) I am here to tell the tale.

Guess I'm just worried that maybe my heart has deteriorated over the last year and this time it will kill me off!

Sounds so ridiculous i know, just needed to speak to people who understand!

16-11-18, 17:24
I get this too. I have a real fear that my children have fatal brain tumors or will be diagnosed with one. I fear that they will go on rides and that the motion will create an unstable environment in their brain causing the tumors. I also freak out when they bump their heads for the same reason. SO, I get it.
But, enjoy Disney...have fun! You would have other symptoms if it was serious.

16-11-18, 22:42
I’m sorry you are struggling. Just take it day by day—if you are there and a ride looks really awesome, try not to let your HA win and go for it. Also, when you say you got unwell on previous rides, that is more than likely just motion sickness which is so common that they have to warn people about it on almost any theme park ride.

19-11-18, 08:10
I guess I'm just worried that as it's been a couple of years since I had any heart tests, that something's deteriorated in that time.

I did have a blood test not long ago but that was for something unrelated so not sure if they could even pick anything up from that

19-11-18, 11:10
You're basing your fear on an diagnosed condition that would be triggered by an amusement park ride. Even if you did have some diagnosed heart condition as I do, how would a roller coaster or other ride be an issue?

I want you to read what you wrote and try to look at that from a non-anxiety sufferer viewpoint of you can. I can understand if you have emetophobia but otherwise :shrug:

Go have a great time. Disney is one of the places many never have the opportunity to visit :)

Positive thoughts

21-11-18, 19:04
You're basing your fear on an diagnosed condition that would be triggered by an amusement park ride. Even if you did have some diagnosed heart condition as I do, how would a roller coaster or other ride be an issue?

I want you to read what you wrote and try to look at that from a non-anxiety sufferer viewpoint of you can. I can understand if you have emetophobia but otherwise :shrug:

Go have a great time. Disney is one of the places many never have the opportunity to visit :)

Positive thoughts

Because they always say to avoid rides if you have history of heart disease etc;. So if I do have something wrong with my heart that hasn't been picked up, I have a fear that the rides are going to make it worse and I'm going to be very unwell...or worse.

21-11-18, 19:10
Because they always say to avoid rides if you have history of heart disease etc;. So if I do have something wrong with my heart that hasn't been picked up, I have a fear that the rides are going to make it worse and I'm going to be very unwell...or worse.

I have heart problems and ride roller coasters. In fact I was riding them before I found out I have a leaky heart valve.

21-11-18, 21:29
I have heart problems and ride roller coasters. In fact I was riding them before I found out I have a leaky heart valve.

Two heart attacks, bypass, stents and angina too for me. Doctor never told me I couldn't enjoy a ride. Amusement park rides too! :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-11-18, 13:33
I have heart problems and ride roller coasters. In fact I was riding them before I found out I have a leaky heart valve.

Oh wow! Hope you are feeling somewhat better now!

Thank You for replying. I'm slowly getting my head to understand that I am more likely fine and healthy than not. Anxiety is a horrible thing!:weep: