View Full Version : I Just Had The Worst Weekend Ever

27-08-07, 23:00
Well Friday was okay.

Met up with my friend on the Saturday and he said his digs were poor and could he stop with me at my other friend's place. My friend said it was okay, he could kip on the sofa.

Anyway, my friend from here and I went off to London on the Saturday and another mate's party on the night time, while my mate who I was staying with decided to have an early night as he was tired.

My Newcastle friend wasn't drunk but can be a bit loud and he woke my other friend up at 3am in the morning when we got back. He apologised and nothing else was said.

On the Sunday my Newcastle friend and I went off to Carnival and he got a bit ill with the heat so we came back to my London friend's house about 6-30pm, had some Chinese food and then my Newcastle friend went for a sleep while my London friend and I went to the pub.

At the pub my friend from London told me he didn't like my friend from Newcastle and he wanted him out of his house first thing this morning. I woke up my Newcastle friend at 10am this morning and told him he had to leave and he took it badly and started shouting at me. I told him to calm down, pack his bags and I'd see him onto a bus later on, once I'd got ready.

Anyway my so called London friend then told me to get out too, I said I hadn't ate breakfast or anything and he said OUT NOW and I hadn't even showered so I've stank all day. He wouldn't even let me have a drink of water :(

I had to throw everything into my holdall, put my shoes on and get out in 2 minutes flat. I've left my jacket there - he ain't returning my calls or e-mails.

I managed to get a coach home at 12-30 and arrived back in Northumberland at 9pm. I haven't been able to stop crying all day and I want to leave the internet and give up my music stuff and just sleep all day every day until my days are done now.

It was supposed to be a great weekend and my mate more or less behaved and all because my other "friend" didn't like him the whole weekend's been ruined and it's set me back years :(


27-08-07, 23:01
Oh I forgot to add, I got ill with the heat too last night, so add that to everything :(

27-08-07, 23:30
Aww gordon sorry you had a bad weekend mate but not every day will be like this so hang on in there.

love Mags xxxxx

27-08-07, 23:30
Aaw, crikey Gordon - what a bummer.

Nothing I can say is going to make you feel better right now.

However, it's funny how situations like this reveal the depth of a friendship.

The friend you were worried about turned out to be the one who behaved more like a friend - and the other one just showed his true colours.

I'm so sorry your weekend turned out like this - but please, don't lose heart.

I'm afraid if Mr London isn't going to contact you again you're going to have to right off the items you left behind.

Well, I won't say it could have been worse because I know you'd say how on earth could it be any worse than this?

But, s**t happens I'm afraid - and if I've learned anything in the past few years it's how to land in it and still come up smelling of roses by not letting people, things or events rob us of our peace.

Big hugs for you Gordon


27-08-07, 23:42
Awwwww Gordy:hugs:

Have been thinking about you all weekend and wondering how it was going:shrug:

Like GG says not much will make you feel better just now but I kinda know how you feel.....I discovered this weekend that a friend was not a friend at all:lac:

Catch you on chat soon Gordy:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

28-08-07, 00:19
hey gord... sorry ya weekend turned out to be a bummer......im sure soon when ya friend calms down he will return all your belongings... friends fight aurgue...then we patch things up so stay positive dont say ya giving up thats silly you know that it will all work out.take care of yaself....linda xxxx

28-08-07, 00:40
Luckily I found my phone charger in the side compartment of my bag but I'll need my jacket for when it gets a bit colder. I don't have money for a new one.

I've been crying and shaking all day, I've not felt this bad for 10 years.


28-08-07, 04:25
Ok darlin -
I'll share my weekend so you can have a laugh at my expense and hopefully it will make you feel a little better:blush::winks:

Get home Friday and decide to get cleaned up and go out to see my sister in a singing contest. Get in the tub - relaxing right?? - NO!!!!
Smell something burning - screaming with soap in my hair at the kids - ask them if they are cooking something! Of course no one answers!!!
End up soap in my hair and half naked running thru the house trying to figure out what is on fire!!!
Following the smell to the basement - it's completely full of smoke!!!!
My daughter had stuffed the washing machine with my king sized comforter and another half load of laundry and burnt the belt up!!!
So I get the soaked blanket and clothes out of the washer and unplug the washer.
Go back upstairs get in the tub which by now is ice cold - get the soap out of my hair and get out. Coming out of the bathroom I step in a pile of dog sh@t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way we got the cutest puppy last week:mad:
So back in the bathroom to clean the poo off my foot!!!

Go to my sister's singing thing and get told off by the lady behind me for smoking IN A BAR - ok so now I'm not a happy camper!!!!

My sister makes it to the finals so I have to do the same thing Saturday nite but looking forward to going to karaoke afterwards UNTIL my 87 year old grandmother decides she wants to go with and we end up having to leave after being there for less than an hour cuz the music is too loud!!!!

Get home Saturday nite pis@ed - and sober:ohmy::mad: only to find that the puppy - remember the cute puppy?????? - has ate thru my mic cord and peed in the middle of my bed!!!!

Spend all day Sunday trying to find a washing machine belt! By the way - just and FYI - just because a place sells washing MACHINES doesn't mean they carry belts for them:ohmy:

So that was my weekend and I'm glad it's over!! Next weekend I'm making everyone else leave the house and I'm drinkin Tequila shots and watching black and white movies ALONE!!!

Oh and they better take that dang puppy with them:yesyes::winks:

We all have bad weekends darlin! Just remember what doesn't kill us makes us stronger :shades::hugs:


28-08-07, 17:46
hi panda lol
sorry it was xxxx weekend big hugs and even bigger kisses to you
keep your chin up cos i promise you the weekend of your life soon (fingers crossed ) always here for you

sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxx

28-08-07, 17:58
just been informed can not swear so will say SORRY now did not realise i had

28-08-07, 18:27
Hi Gordon,

I am very sorry things did not go as planned, sometimes that is worse than what actually happens, the letdown of it all. Perhaps your London friend was jealous of your friendship with your Newcastle friend? I don't know all the details but I do know how hurt you sound and I hope in time your London friend will realize the damage he has done to you and will apologize. Hopefully he just woke up in a horrendous mood and took it out on you two. Please know that sometimes anger taken out on us sometimes isn't even about us even though it seems that way. Hoping it works out for you.



28-08-07, 18:59
Thanks Laura.

I think you might be correct there. He was fine on Friday and Saturday and then all of a sudden late on Sunday and Monday morning he was in a terrible mood. He's still not replying to any of my attempts at contact.

It's ok though, if he wants to act like that it's fine. Payback will be mine.
