View Full Version : Adrenaline and heart fluttering

Rachey poos
27-08-07, 23:58
Hi, I have had Panic attack since being a child due to not a very nice chilhood then at the age of 20 started with the old flutters but over the passed two yrs on and off (but especially at the mo) I have been having the panic attacks but my heart goes all funny like its missing beats and extra beats....sometimes like theres 2 hearts in there... I would go to the DOctor but I have a terrible terrible phobia of any thing medical... I have been a couple of yrs ago about an ear infection and had a panic attack right infront of him... he listened to my very racing heart and he said my heart was lovely just fast... I am scared but my freind has them and has said hers does the same.. goes a little irregular till it calms down... can be about 15 mins untill it stops going fast then it all goes right again... I only get the odd flutter other times. please does any one else have this... have read in the claire weeks they are normal... but it still is scarey.... HELP!

28-08-07, 00:07

i get them to, have done for 8 years i have had scans on my heat ect all are ok i would say go see your doc get all the tests done when he tells you all is ok you might start to feel better hun .
they do scare me when they are bad but i have been told so many times the more you panic the more they happen .

jodie xx

Rachey poos
28-08-07, 00:21
Thanks for your quick reply... it only happens when I am alerted or have an upset or get angry or scared or Panic attack.. its like it jumps about a bit.. it still beats but like has an extra little beat... the longest it has done it is for about 25 mins then when I calmed down .. all back to resting heart rate which is about 72-78. I wish I could just nip off to the Docs but it terrifies me.. even passing the dotors I feel sick and heart goes.. My hubby always takes my Daughter and Hospitals.... dont even go there... I could do with therapy but where do I start! Are your beats the same then at times .. just a roll of them untill the panic subsides? I used to have fluuters EVERY DAY... ALL DAY few yrs ago but that went.....xxxx

28-08-07, 13:35
these beats ur getting are ectopics, they are totally harmless, im getting them right now, except i get them quite constantly! iv been having them for the past few days, they do eventually go and then reappear in the same way. i usually get the fluttering when i'm arguing with someone! lol anyway dont worry about it, especially as the doctor has checked them! take care :hugs:

28-08-07, 13:49
hi rach
i am the same as you. i have a doctor and medical phobia. jut like you everytime i go pass the docs office i go into a panic. i also get the ectopic heart beats. not nice i know. i try to ditract myself as much as possible . i try going for walks and get busy with doing housework. it does help some. but i know how scarey ectopic heart beats can be.
love debera

Rachey poos
28-08-07, 23:18
Thanks you are all ace... been fine today until after dinner.. they started so I got on my bike and went with hubby to the fields wiv me bike...always have to have me bike ( feel safer) and had loads of them whilst walking and pushing the bike... later did a few burps:ohmy: .. laid on grass and chilled and they died down!