View Full Version : Worried about finger

18-11-18, 11:53
The bottom of one of my finger nails is very red but not sore or swollen or throbbing or no pus. it is ever so slightly raised. It's been like this for a week or so but no change. There were bits of skin hanging off around the area but I didn't bite them off (must have shed naturally) and I have been constantly washing my hands with emphasis on that finger especially. Is this a minor infection or paronychia or will it develop into something worse? Bare in mind it's been like this for a while with Little change. See image attached.

18-11-18, 12:29
Hiyer. We aren't really meant here to base replies on images, as we aren't medics, I just want you to know that first before I say anything else. If you feel genuine concern, then you know where you need to go....the GP. However, in my non-medical opinion I will say this to you, yes this looks to me like a very minor type of 'hangnail' infection...if thats what para-whatever refers to. I am prone to these as tend to pull bits of skin off here and there and the wounds very quickly get a few bacteria in as they are on the hands. I reckon I have about 4 a year looking much worse than yours with green yuck coming out, but generally at the side of the nail.

Will it go further, that really can't be answered, but in a high proportion of cases they are very mild issues that are treated at home. I have never had to get any treatment and this is what I do - wash the hand well, let it air dry, put a massive blob of savlon cream on the wounded area, cover with a NON-Breathable plaster. Leave it like this for a day, as it allows the savlon to really soak into dampish skin. Take savlon plaster off, and allow to dry and see how its looking......repeat as necessary. If the area is hot, very swollen, has a discharge or seems to go further up the finger, then pop to ask the GP. It looks to me like your body is/has fought it off pretty well thus far.

I think your problem is the lack of a decent cuticle. They are meant to be smooth, and overlapping the nail bed. I don't know how yours disappeared, or why it looks so broken and 'tatty', but maybe you should stick something over it anyway until a proper cuticle forms ?

18-11-18, 12:55
Hiyer. We aren't really meant here to base replies on images, as we aren't medics, I just want you to know that first before I say anything else. If you feel genuine concern, then you know where you need to go....the GP. However, in my non-medical opinion I will say this to you, yes this looks to me like a very minor type of 'hangnail' infection...if thats what para-whatever refers to. I am prone to these as tend to pull bits of skin off here and there and the wounds very quickly get a few bacteria in as they are on the hands. I reckon I have about 4 a year looking much worse than yours with green yuck coming out, but generally at the side of the nail.

Will it go further, that really can't be answered, but in a high proportion of cases they are very mild issues that are treated at home. I have never had to get any treatment and this is what I do - wash the hand well, let it air dry, put a massive blob of savlon cream on the wounded area, cover with a NON-Breathable plaster. Leave it like this for a day, as it allows the savlon to really soak into dampish skin. Take savlon plaster off, and allow to dry and see how its looking......repeat as necessary. If the area is hot, very swollen, has a discharge or seems to go further up the finger, then pop to ask the GP. It looks to me like your body is/has fought it off pretty well thus far.

I think your problem is the lack of a decent cuticle. They are meant to be smooth, and overlapping the nail bed. I don't know how yours disappeared, or why it looks so broken and 'tatty', but maybe you should stick something over it anyway until a proper cuticle forms ?

It kind of all started after I stopped biting my nails

18-11-18, 13:21
Looks like paronychia to me, i had it in the Spring. It should clear up on it's own 99% of the time.

18-11-18, 13:50
I was thinking of you and your finger Matt, when I saw this post.

18-11-18, 15:24
Also not a doctor, but does look like it could be a paronychia. I’ve had this before on my toe and soaking it a few times a day in epsom salt can help draw out the infection. It is so minor compared to some I’ve seen online where they have an abscess. Yours just looks slightly red. I personally wouldn’t rush to the doc before trying a simple home remedy first.

18-11-18, 16:54
Looks like paronychia to me, i had it in the Spring. It should clear up on it's own 99% of the time.

Think I have had that before but it was quite bad then

19-11-18, 14:31
How long should this take to clear up, im worried why it's not. I'm just soaking my finger in quite warm water for about 20 minutes and putting a plaster on it. I also dont seem to have the nail fold at the bottom. Im very worried why this won't go away.

19-11-18, 14:36
I'm just soaking my finger in quite warm water for about 20 minutes and putting a plaster on it.

Why don't you try the advice I wrote about at the top ?

I don't know what a 'nail fold' is....are you referring to the cuticle I mentioned in my post to you. I did comment you had lost the cuticle somehow. Nobody can tell you how long something will take to go.....weeks....months....days.....its really nothing major going on there though you know.

19-11-18, 14:46
Why don't you try the advice I wrote about at the top ?

I don't know what a 'nail fold' is....are you referring to the cuticle I mentioned in my post to you. I did comment you had lost the cuticle somehow. Nobody can tell you how long something will take to go.....weeks....months....days.....its really nothing major going on there though you know.

Okay I am sorry I was just wondering I will take your advice then

19-11-18, 14:55
Soaking in warm water will literally do nothing if there is mild infection and inflammation - at the least warm salty water if you have no savlon.

its only been just over a week, that is really no time at all, even a normal cut on your arm would still be scabbed over and nowhere near sorted. Redness and marks from cuts and grazes can last months.

19-11-18, 15:12
Soaking in warm water will literally do nothing if there is mild infection and inflammation - at the least warm salty water if you have no savlon.

its only been just over a week, that is really no time at all, even a normal cut on your arm would still be scabbed over and nowhere near sorted. Redness and marks from cuts and grazes can last months.

okay then I'll just keep a plaster on it

19-11-18, 15:31
So, you aren't going to soak in salty water or use savlon soaking in ?

19-11-18, 15:52
So, you aren't going to soak in salty water or use savlon soaking in ?

I don't any "savlon" but I guess I could do the former you mentioned

19-11-18, 16:01
I sat with my finger dipped in a mug with warm water, salt and peroxide in it for 5 to 10 mins, 4 times a day. Probably wouldn't bother with a plaster, let it breathe.

19-11-18, 16:31
I sat with my finger dipped in a mug with warm water, salt and peroxide in it for 5 to 10 mins, 4 times a day. Probably wouldn't bother with a plaster, let it breathe.

Here's the pic i posted of mine in the Spring. Yours is very mild, i could squeeze puss from mine, most of my nail came off and is still a little red now.

19-11-18, 20:28
Here's the pic i posted of mine in the Spring. Yours is very mild, i could squeeze puss from mine, most of my nail came off and is still a little red now.

Ah I see thanks for that- I had a really bad one a couple of years ago