View Full Version : That inner voice

18-11-18, 20:59
Is this normal and what is it as it is actually making my anxious worse and is the actual reason behind most of my anxiety

Like for example this is one of many examples I could use I ordered a taxi just now he said he will be 20 minutes or so and because I have to wait? I have these thoughts saying

“Run your trapped here” - but I’m at home and perfectly safe? But I start believing the thoughts

“Your going to have anxiety”

“You can’t wait you can’t cope with waiting”

“You need to go now”

“Your mad this isn’t normal”

“You should kill yourself”

“This will never go it never gets better”

So currently at this moment I’m fighting my own thoughts, my own inner voice? While also fighting anxiety?

I’m sat here fighting anxiety and my own mind and it’s over something so stupid and so little, like why can’t I wait what is wrong with waiting?

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:34 ----------

After 18 minutes of waiting while trying get on with stuff and get ready I started to get some of the anxiety symptoms I usually get and my heart started to race and my thoughts were “oh no if I have a panic attack how will I calm down”

So I booked taxi from elsewhere on a app and rang my driver he said he’s on toilet and be 10 minutes lol but somehow they relaxed me enough to cancel the one I was going to book

I got ready all calm and he rang me just now at 20:54 to say he’s leaving his home now and for me to stand outside it’s been a whole 33 minutes of waiting so far by the time he arrives it prob be 40 minutes

But why is such a normal task such a hard task now a days? And why has my inner voice gained such strength?

19-11-18, 01:56
First thing to know is it's nothing to fear it happens to most people with anxiety. it's annoying, it's horrible but you can get better.

Are you on medication? have you read into anxiety?

My first advice would be to talk to your doctor.

Second google anxiety recovery stories. knowing you're not alone with this and knowing it can be treated is a huge help.

Third: search youtube for Claire Weekes audio's. she will explain in detail what and why you're going through this.

The inner voice has gained strength probably because you've got an adrenaline high. sit calmly for 5 mins inhale for 5 second and then exhale slowly for 5 seconds. getting oxygen in will always help.

Hope this helps.

19-11-18, 11:20
Your own inner thoughts / voice ARE anxiety. So you're not fighting anxiety AND your thoughts, you're just fighting anxiety. It's anxiety that's making you think these things & everything you've said sounds completely normal. Wanting to run away & thinking "what if I panic" is completely normal, I feel it all the time too and yes you can be at home totally safe & still feel it because your subconscious knows that the taxi is coming & you might panic & what happens if you panic etc etc.
Your inner voice has gained strength because you're anxious so it's harder to ignore. Whereas most people would think "So what if I have a panic attack" you're listening to all of the fears and giving them all of your attention, you can't possibly ignore them. Bur with time & practise, you can learn to simply notice the thoughts and let them go. You don't need to fight them, that's giving them too much attention.