View Full Version : mole fears again

19-11-18, 11:44
Hi guys,

I've posted a few times on this forum re: moles.
I've had 2 moles pop up in the past 2 months.

One of the moles is on my left upper arm.
I don't think it's really changed size but I feel it's gotten darker? Some bits of the mole don't look uniformly same shade and maybe in the center of the mole it looks like it's caved in?

In the images, it's the lower one.


What do you guys think?

19-11-18, 17:35
Hi there,

I recently have had a mole scare - which the doctor reassured me was not cancer, but said she was gonna refer me to a dermatologist anyway. Today I received the news that they have rejected my referral as my doctor said it was a benign lesion and therefore is not covered by the NHS. I’ve decided not to appeal, and instead accept the fact it’s nothing to worry about. My mole looks scarier than yours and yours to me looks completely normal.

19-11-18, 21:12
I could photograph about 6 on my body and post them that look identical to yours. I remember the days when nobody thought obsessively about moles, unless they did actually look dodgy. Ok, so awareness of moles and skin cancer is a good thing, but if you are going to be hyper sensitive to each one that pops up on your body then it could be a long adulthood......