View Full Version : Big day for me tomorrow!!

20-11-18, 16:34
Hi i suffer with Emetophobia,OCD and Anxiety.
I have a really bad fear of germs which makes it difficult for me to be around people, to eat out, use public toilets that sort of thing.
Well tomorrow a meal has been organised for my dad in what will be quite a busy restaurant.I'll have to have something to eat and use their facilities.
I've had anxiety ever since it was mentioned, its not something i can get out of so i'm so worried i'm going to wake up in the morning and have a huge panic attack. if anyone has any coping strategies that might help me i would appreciate it.


21-11-18, 12:57
Hi Jen,
I have the same issue! It's very difficult isn't it...everyone else enjoys something that you're terrified of :( allmy worst attacks have been while eating. All I can say is try and find a seat that is in the quietest position, maybe you'llhave a nearly empty table in the corner, orone near the front door, then when it opens you'll get some fresh air each time. Oh another thing, turning up early seems to help, it gives a slight chance to settle in a bit.
Please let us know how you are. Mark.